International Airport Operator ready and waiting in the wings, Mayor confirms
SENDIAS - Useful Information
When we speak with families we will often signpost them to other services that can support them with things that our service does not cover.
We have pulled together information below which are services, websites and useful documents that we have come across that may be useful to you.
Doncaster Local Offer already have a list of services that can support with Benefits and Allowances, Carers Support and Grants, Disability Aids and Equipment.
Doncaster Parents Voice (DPV)
DPV service is available to support parents socially and emotionally. The service operates face to face, by telephone, email and via Facebook. DPV will be holding 1:1 chats with their current families but this service is also available to any new families. They will be holding emotional wellbeing telephone sessions. Times and dates will vary so please check the DPV website for further information or join them via their Facebook page.
Navigate - Emotional Support for Parents
Website: Navigate
Phone: 0808 801 0510
National Autistic Society
Website: National Autistic Society
The Autism Education Trust run by the National Autistic Society help children and young people with autism to receive education, enabling them to reach their potential.
Website: Autism Education Trust
Tourettes Action
They are also running online support groups for parents, adults and teenagers.
Website: Tourettes Action
The Challenging Behaviour Foundation
Website: Challenging Behaviour Foundation
Phone: 0300 666 0126
Yorkshire Dyslexia Network
Website: Yorkshire Dyslexia Network
Website: Voiceability
Phone: 0300 303 1660
Contact - Information for Families with Disabled Children
Website: Contact
Freephone: 0808 808 3555
Independent Parent Special Education Advice (IPSEA) - The Law and Families Rights
Wesbite: IPSEA
Council for Disabled Children - Information for Families with Disabled Children
Website: Council for Disabled Children
Cerebra - Support for Children with Brain Conditions
Website: Cerebra
Good School Guide - Help Choosing Schools
Website: Good Schools Guide
- SEND Code of Practice provides statutory guidance for settings and the local authority to follow for children and young people with SEND aged 0 to 25.
- Equality Act protects people against discrimination, harassment or victimisation.
- Children's and Families Act sets out what settings and the local authority have to do to support all children and children with SEND there is also a Young Person’s Guide to the Children and Families Act
- Guidance on School Attendance sets out what settings and the local authority must do in regards to attendance.
- Jargon Buster to help understand the different acronyms that you may hear in meetings.
- Parents Guide to School Inspections gives information on why, how long and when Ofsted inspects, and also how you can share your views.
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