International airport expertise secured to reopen Doncaster’s airport
Barnsley, Doncaster & Rotherham Joint Waste Plan
The Joint Waste Plan sets out our planning strategy for dealing with waste, including the provision of new waste facilities, up until 2026. Work has also now commenced on a new Joint Waste Plan, once adopted, will cover all four Local Planning Authorities in South Yorkshire (therefore future work will also include Sheffield).
The Joint Waste Plan
The Barnsley, Doncaster and Rotherham Joint Waste Plan identifies sites to accommodate major waste facilities and safeguards a range of existing facilities to meet our current and future needs across the three boroughs that will maximise recycling, support green jobs and divert waste from landfill.
The Joint Waste Plan forms part of Doncaster's Development Plan alongside the Local Plan.
- Adopted Barnsley, Doncaster and Rotherham Joint Waste Plan
- Download (1.81MB)
The Interactive map for the Local Plan shows the sites covered by the Joint waste Plan (please note this only shows the Doncaster area).
South Yorkshire Waste Needs Assessment
The South Yorkshire Waste Planning Authorities of Barnsley Council, Doncaster Council, Rotherham Council and Sheffield City Council have produced a joint Waste Needs Assessment that covers the whole of South Yorkshire. The Waste Needs Assessment contains updated information to be considered alongside the Barnsley, Doncaster and Rotherham (BDR) Waste Plan. It provides updated information on waste management facilities, waste arising estimates, forecasts future need for the various waste types up to 2041 and requires consideration alongside the BDR Waste Plan.
- South Yorkshire Waste Needs Assessment
- Download (1.79MB - PDF)
The New Joint Waste Plan for South Yorkshire
Following on from the joint Waste Needs Assessment, in summer 2024 the four South Yorkshire Waste Planning Authorities formally agreed to commence work on a new Plan which, once adopted, will replace the Barnsley, Doncaster and Rotherham Joint Waste Plan (as well as the waste policies in the Sheffield Core Strategy). There will be full public and stakeholder engagement on the emerging Plan in due course, and before it will need to be examined by a Government appointed Inspector. The Local Development Scheme has been updated and republished to reflect this decision and further information will be available on this page as the Plan emerges. In the meantime, the key milestones are envisaged as being:
- Call for Sites: September - October 2024;
- Regulation 18 Consultation: June - July 2025;
- Regulation 19 Publication of the Plan: April - May 2026;
- Submission of the Plan to Government: November - December 2026;
- Examination of the Plan: January - May 2027;
- Adoption: June - October 2027.
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- tel: 01302 734419
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