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Showing 201 - 207 of 207 results
Fire safety in houses in multiple occupation in multiple occupation are those which are shared by three or more unrelated persons. Historically fires in HMOs have been more prevalent than in single homes. Larger HMOs will required a licence from the Council, however different laws apply to all HMOs in relation to fire safety. A higher standard of fire precaution and protection is required in houses of multiple occupation compared to that of a single occupied dwelling. The exact measures depend on the property size, layout and type of letting.
Council Tax discounts for persons with a disability, or care needs you, or any member of your household has a disability, or care need, a reduction may be available on your Council Tax.
Current and planned temporary road closures are a variety of reasons why a road may need to be closed. This may include safety measures during roadworks, building repairs to a property or holding a community event. Whatever the reason, the road closure requires a legal order or notice and the procedures and requirements for closing a road must be strictly adhered to.
15 or 30 hours funded childcare and Tax-Free Childcare for working parents parents may be eligible to access up to 30 hours funded childcare per week during term-time.
Parks and outdoor spaces list of parks and outdoor spaces in Doncaster, each with their own things to see and do and how to report a problem.
Local Offer - You Said, We Did feedback helps us improve the Local Offer which is why it's so important to us. Here you can read about the feedback we have received about the Local Offer and what action we've taken.
Doncaster Sheffield Airport Statements below all the statements issued on the airport.
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