Local Offer - You Said, We Did
Your feedback helps us improve the Local Offer which is why it's so important to us. Here you can read about the feedback we have received about the Local Offer and what action we've taken.
There are lots of ways for you to provide feedback on the Local Offer. You can:
- Leave feedback on individual pages using the 'Did you find this page helpful?" section at the bottom of each page
- Contact us via email, telephone or social media with your comments - LocalOffer@doncaster.gov.uk / 01302 735237 / Doncaster Local Offer Facebook
- Complete our Local Offer Evaluation Form
- Attend Parent Carer or Young Person sessions
Your Feedback
You Said | We Did |
You wanted a separate section on Neurodiversity linked to the Local Offer homepage | We've created this and will continue to add content to this section which may be helpful for families |
You wanted sensory and physical needs on separate pages | We've separated the content and have a page on each |
You wanted button links to be more prominent on a page, for example, having an icon to show the button should be clicked | We asked our ICT colleagues but unfortunately this isn't possible due restrictions within the website |
You wanted to know how to update your child's details on the TIE Register | We've added this information to the TIE website |
You would like a diagram explaining the GDA pathway | The pathway is currently being redesigned by the NHS. This will be actioned upon completion. |
You asked for information on sensory processing disorder | We've started to collate this information and we aim to publish the content in the near future |
You could find the contact details for the GDA Coordinator | We added the contact details to the main Neurodiversity webpage |
You wanted information about the Access Card to be included on the Local Offer | We've added this information to our Activities and Leisure webpage |
You asked for information on dyslexia | We've worked with the Educational Psychologists team to create a webpage on Specific Learning Difficulties which includes information on dyslexia |
You asked for PHAB to be included on the Local Offer | We made contact with the service and added their details |
You asked for more information on transitions and for this to be accessed in one place | We've started work on this and a first draft has been shared for comments |
Voice Briefing - Co-Production with Children, Young People and Families
Reduction in waiting times for the Neurological pathways in Doncaster Making A Difference Group/Parent Survey | The General Development Assessment Pathway (GDA) referral route is increasingly effective, a new pre GDA panel has been established that mirrors the recommendations of assess, plan, do, review outlined in the code. This ensures that the right professional sees children at the right time. The waiting list for GDA has reduced from 828 in January 2022 to 193 as at April 2024 New pathway to be commissioned through Parent Co-production Group Sep 24 We are looking to develop locality based Assessment Hubs which will allow us to assess and intervene at the earliest point and to pre-empt requests for diagnostic pathways. This is a joint initiative with Health colleagues. These Hubs will support schools and CYP through an in/ outreach model, offering part -time placements. |
Easier access to specialist support, listening to what I feel and what I need Making A Difference Group | In conjunction with our SENCO partners, we re-designed the referral pathway for GDA to ensure the voice of the child is captured at the referral stage. The information captured from school is more precise and demonstrates a graduated approach to provision for Children and Young People. We also established an MDT weekly panel to review the referrals into our diagnostic pathways for accuracy and any further intervention or support for families that may be waiting. Establishment of Doncaster Autism Service |
Early intervention support for mental health available when I want it at a place to suit me CYP Shadow Board | We worked closely with young people top bring the Kooth platform to Doncaster. Kooth is designed to meet the Thrive framework for system change (Wolpert et al 2019). The platform is unique that it works with Children and Young People who may need advice and signposting, help, more ongoing help or immediate risk support. The clinical model is NICE informed and enables CYP to access support 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Access to Kooth is immediate. There is no need for a referral with no waiting lists. A Co-Production Review of Doncaster CAMHS is planned for Autumn 2024. |
Post diagnostic support is available from people who understand my autism needs Making A Difference Group/CYP Shadow Board | The ICB commissioned an all-age post diagnosis pathway with clear outcomes and service specification that is run by our parents carers forum and ASCETS team in Doncaster- Doncaster Autism Service. This service includes a series of workshops to understanding autism, wrap around support and links into community groups and activities. |
There needs to be a greater understanding of learning disability and autism amongst all health and social care professionals with consistency of approach and reasonable adjustments; and family carers need to be identified and supported in delivery of health interventions. Making A Difference Group | Annual health checks Task and Finish group have been set up to focus on increasing uptake and quality of Learning Disability annual health checks. There has been a dashboard created to compare local data to national submissions. Submissions and recorded health checks differ between national and local dashboards. This is mainly due to completing different templates. To rectify this a standard template is now in place. A training walk through video is available for practices to refer to for one clinical system and an update is taking place for the other clinical system. LeDeR (Learning Disability Mortality Review) subgroup setup, implementing learning from national reviews Flagging system introduced at DBHFT to early identify patients whop present to acute care services if they have a Learning Disability. We have worked hard to ensure people with learning disabilities who are admitted to hospital have access to support from the RDaSH Health Action Team Secondary Care Liaison Nurse. Workforce training on reasonable adjustments to be rolled out to H&SC professionals in Spring 25. |
To improve quality of life for people with a learning disability and/or autism LD & Autism Board/CYP Shadow Board | SYICB has Commissioned the Children and Young People Keyworker, now called system navigators. These roles are in place and working with proactive monitoring and support MDTs to support the individuals in crisis, families and carers. We have a Proactive Monitoring Support Register in place. This reviews individuals at risk of inpatient care and how to positively support the person to remain in the community with wrap around services or to review the therapeutic pathway for individuals transitioning from inpatient services to the community. We have a good system to record out of area visits, ensuring we complete 8 weekly visits to measure quality of services and the patient welfare and wellbeing. This is a very positive group involving:
Crisis and Intensive Support team (CAIS) is in place. The transforming care specialist placing nurse is linked in with both Children’s and Adults proactive monitoring groups and works closely with commissioning to highlight upcoming needs to best shape resources and services. CAIS Care coordinators have a step-up knowledge and skill in support people with LD, autism, or both. They plan alternative and additional needs such as supporting management of risk for people who present the most complex challenges. Care and (education) Treatment Reviews are in place. People who are at risk of admission are offered a community care and treatment review to see whether they are safe, in the right place, and to understand future plans. Recommendations from community C(E)TRs involve support from specialist health teams, local authority respite care, voluntary agencies, short breaks, self-advocate, and carer organisations providing support.. Forensic Outreach Liaison Service (FOLS) is in place. nurse practitioners have been assigned to areas within the TCP. Phase one completed to link in with individuals identified for discharge into community provision to review safe transition. Phase 2 mobilised to assign practitioners to individuals and provision in the community to support in a proactive way to stop people requiring inpatient services. A number of education related projects have been instigated, including PINS- Neurodiversity in schools, intensive support for 10 primary schools. |
Young people that attend our SEND Social club wanted to give their suggestions on what activities to run in the session. SEND Social Group/CYP Shadow Board
| We consulted with the young people to ask what activities they would like to take part in. After consultations, we implement a timetable of different activities each week at the request of the young people e.g. cooking, baking, crafts Establishment of Bentley SEND Youth Club Individual requests in social club, including A young person with complex sensory needs said how much they liked touching slime and asked if we could make some. The following week we had an extra activity of slime making that they could make, play with and then take home. Another young person enjoys music and asked if we could play any instruments. We established contacts with Darts at the point and they came in to deliver a music workshop to all young people. They were also given the opportunity to continue with this. |
Ensure that parents can influence Short Breaks offer. Making A Difference Group
| Consultation has been carried out with families and their children including a survey monkey, mainly relating to the Oaklands provision and Short Breaks offer. We have worked with the Short Breaks service to improve access to their content, which has enabled families and professionals to have a better understanding of the Short Breaks process. As part of the Short Breaks Review and consultation with parents, a pilot is starting for those who do not need a regulated provision with the Youth Service. |
Ensure that local out of school provision is what young people want. CYP Shadow Board | Work is underway with the Youth Council to revitalise the Young Commissioners programme as a number of previous participants have progressed to further education and are no longer available. A Young commissioner is regularly involved with the HAF programme, to visit projects and to review activities in line with inclusive practice in general activities and also to review SEND specific activities linked to the HAF programme. There is a young person regularly involved with and attending the Starting Well Board (formerly JCRG) |
Ensure that we use the voice of CYP and families to review our provision. Making A Difference Group | A new form developed for collating young person and family voice for the Independent school placements. These have been sent to families At every MDT QA visit (be that OOA schools or AP), we ask for the opportunity to meet directly with some of the Doncaster young people to capture their voice. There is a specific section in the OOA QIA which covers this. The same goes for any Social Care Residential and 16 Plus QA visits. Given the nature of the young people it is not always possible for members of the visiting team to meet with them as sometimes this can cause anxiety and disrupts their day. Young Person and Family Voice is a key area of development going forward which is being reviewed across all the QA Frameworks. Sufficiency Report contains views of CYP and families. |
Make sure we have school places in Doncaster for all Children & Young People (CYP) with social & emotional needs. CYP Shadow Board | We have opened 42 places across 4 SEMH hubs in Doncaster, with approval for further Hubs for both SEMH and ASD granted Summer 2024 |
Improve how schools meet mental health for CYP CYP Shadow Board | Training for staff in place on identifying and meeting needs Introduction of SEMH needs descriptors for schools The Mental Health Support Team (MHST) continues to expand their offer within schools, providing support and onwards referral where necessary. |
Reduce waiting time for CYP to get diagnosis for autism. CYP Shadow Board | Whilst we have introduced a digital pathway to help reduce the waiting time, the longest wait for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) diagnosis is 3 years with the average wait being approximately 1 year 40 days. A recently introduced panel is increasingly effective in ensuring that partners are supported to intervene earlier and make more effective provision to meet need earlier Review of diagnostic pathways with parents Sept 24 contributing to a pathway change for 2025. |
Check plans so they are of good quality & based on the voice of CYP. CYP Shadow Board
| Introduction of EHCP QA Process and Case audit system. Half termly reports made to Shadow Board and SEND Board. |
Make sure that the school knows more about how to spot when CYP are struggling, as early as possible. CYP Shadow Board | Development of needs descriptors for schools Advice and training to schools on identifying need and screening. |
Improve the quality of teaching for CYP with SEND CYP Shadow Board | School Improvement Advisors in place to support schools with teaching PINs project put in place. Review of council workforce to focus on school provision SEND CPD Team in place, working with schools on capability SENCO Conference in Oct 24 focuses on leadership and impact across the school. |
Make sure services for CYP are joined up. CYP Shadow Board | Re-shaping of specialist support services for Jan 25. Plan to integrate Early Help, Inclusion and health resources within localities. Movement to an assessment hub approach from Winter 2025 |
Make school think more about how to include CYP in lessons, activities etc. CYP Shadow Board | Included in Handbook and Toolkit – What should be ordinarily available in schools. |
Give support & training to staff at schools & other agencies so they understand how to meet needs. CYP Shadow Board | Workforce Training Audit Spring 24 Roll out of workforce training from Summer 24 |
Develop a SEND Focused Careers Event CYP Shadow Board | Event planned for September 24. The plan for this event was developed with the assistance of the Shadow Board in Spring 2024 |
Teachers in schools don’t always understand the needs of children with learning disabilities, autism or both. LDA Strategy Group | Health agencies are now working with schools to improve pathway for autism diagnosis, ensuring that referrals are appropriate, that intervention can take place without diagnosis and delivering a more streamlined pathway. PINS Project in place School Improvement advisors conducting whole school reviews Two EP staff were employed who started to work with schools on inclusion and training. They created and undertook a survey of Teachers and TAs to help evaluate the current level of understanding and training around SEND within schools. This will help to inform the future training to be developed by the EP staff. Development of training on SEND and Inclusion together with a CPD framework for school based staff is underway from May 2024. Further training on autism and girls/masking, general ASD awareness through is planned through 2024/25 |
Further work needs to happen within mainstream schools to ensure all staff have the knowledge and skills to support people with learning disabilities, autism or both within education. There needs to be an emphasis on making reasonable adjustments that can support children and young people to achieve | 68 of our Schools have adopted trauma informed approaches. We have trained SENCOs in identifying autism and improving pre-diagnostic support. New Young People’s 0-25 SEND board in place has met to decide on key messages for schools. Doncaster Autism Service (DAS) is a new service, aiming to support people with Autism of all ages and their families. DAS is a collaboration between Doncaster Council, NHS South Yorkshire Integrated Care Board Doncaster Parents’ Voice, and Doncaster Partnership for Carers. Publication of Accessibility Strategy/ Policy for schools. A Partnerships for Neurodiversity in Schools (PINS) innovation project has commenced, which is to build capacity in mainstream primary schools to identify needs at an early stage and to put appropriate support into place. This is being piloted across 10 primary schools who are working with a multi-disciplinary team to self-assess and identify training requirements. The Mainstream inclusion team commenced in January 2024 and has started to work with schools on their own SEND and inclusion progress. This team will focus on Inclusion within schools and will both support and challenge schools to improve inclusivity. The launch of a new funding model within schools in Autumn Term 2024. This will ensure that the High Needs Funding Block will be distributed more consistently across school and move the focus to early identification and support. Funding decisions will be made using the needs descriptors within the handbook and toolkit and assist settings in meeting needs at an earlier stage. |
There needs to be more careers advice and help into work | See below section on Employability. We are currently reviewing pathways to adulthood to ensure high quality planning and intervention at the earliest point. An Enterprise Co-ordinator was appointed in November 2024 to work specifically on improving Employability and the Supported Internship offer within Doncaster via an action plan. As part of this work regular Employment Forums have been launched bringing together training providers, professionals from across the council and people with lived experience to ensure that the plan remains fit for purpose and relevant. The Handbook and Toolkit which will sit beside the Local Offer on the Council Website will provide additional advice and guidance on Employability and ensure that Annual reviews focus on careers and aspiration from Year 9 Onwards |
More after school activities
| We have sought the views of Special School Councils and the CYP Shadow Board who have informed us that they consider wider opportunities for young people as a priority. Changes made to local availability of youth clubs, arts and sports activities. Following a successful pilot and through listening to the views of children and young people we have expanded the Youth Service SEND Social Space, creating an inclusive and supportive learning environment through targeted interventions and personalised support. Children and young people are able to get involved in activities such as gardening, sports and arts and crafts. We have already seen the positive impact the group is having on those attending on their learning, as well as wider social interactions. Our SEND sessions and Youth Groups at the Youth Hubs regularly update their programme of activities with information held on the Council website: SEND Youth Hubs The HAF programme provides children and young people with enriching activities which supports their social and emotional health alongside their physical health and nutrition. Feedback from parents and children and young people, is extremely positive especially in the case of those with SEND. We have engaged with DARTS who have attended Shadow Board meetings to highlight and discuss the range of activities they offer. Further information is available from the DARTS website. There is an increased and visible offer available through the Local Offer and social media. We will continue to monitor the breadth of the offer and uptake via the CYP Shadow Board and surveys |
Better transport to help children stay local
| Analysis has been done on current experiences of those placed out of authority. Plan emerging on how to keep young people within Doncaster. This includes the development of 42 places for supporting SEMH needs within locality mainstream schools. Agreed extension of this scheme by cabinet- Summer 24 to enable more pupils who might otherwise have needed to access a more remote school to remain local. |
More support and make things easier to access instead of having to jump through hoops via early help etc.
| The SENCO Reference group has created a new local ‘charter’ for SENCOs to deliver an increased commitment of time for meeting with parents, which has been signed by most schools. We have consulted on a new model of workforce training for all SEND needs. New funding process Autumn 24 will ensure resources are allocated when students need them , regardless of EHCP. |
Have more meetings with parents and SENCO to talk about concerns | Issue raised as priority through SEND Strategy groups and identified as key aspect for SENCO Reference Group Toolkit sets out expectations of schools. Conditions of funding for schools. |
There needs to be better links between education and employment, with bespoke employment advice and greater work experience opportunities for young people to access across Doncaster. | A Preparation for Adulthood Group has been set up between Adult Social Care and CYP services specifically to plan for the needs of young people who are moving from children’s to adult services and employment. The group is making sure that there are strong links between the education and employment strands of the SEND programme. This group will be key to implementation of plans that will support CYP into further education and employment. A work stream focussing on Pathways to Employment is in place, focussing on transitions and progress to employment, including supported internships and apprenticeships. |
Employers need to understand learning disability and autism and how they can make reasonable adjustments to help people sustain their employment | Stone Hill have offered two Autism Education Trust sessions to employers. There is an employer’s forum on 16th October 2024 where employers will have training on reasonable adjustments. There are 6 employers forums annually. South Yorkshire collaboration to create a ‘My Employment Plan’ which was created with experts by experience and professions to help facilitate conversations around reasonable adjustment. Employers are supported by job coaches and training where necessary when hosting a supported internship, this not only benefits the interns but other employees in the business. |
Doncaster Council and Doncaster NHS services need to take the lead on employing individuals with learning disabilities, autism or both.
| Four supported internship placements offered for September 2024 in CDC. My Employment Plan shared with HR that they are going to include in the new manager toolkit. Two people supported by the Local Supported Employment team have been given jobs within CDC. CDC have signed up to the Ambassador standards and these are being baselined by HR to be able to demonstrate progress an identify areas for improvement. |
There need to be greater opportunities available to people to move into work should people wish to do this so that individuals are not volunteering for life. | SMILE day centres are re-opening some of their services to offer employment to support the transition to paid employment from volunteering. Monthly employment forums that support transitions from children to adult services and sharing what is available to support earlier planning. DWP have employment advisors that visits schools to raise aspirations and address barriers. |
There needs to be bespoke employment support for people with learning disabilities, autism or both to support people into work | Increase job coaches / develop a system that is able to support young people and can continue into adulthood if necessary. This is a model that works in Barnsley and a meeting is scheduled to take place in September to explore this for CDC. Embed vocational profiling for SEND young people in mainstream settings. South Yorkshire collaboration group have started this and a working group in Doncaster will be created by Nov 2024 to feed into this work. |
The culture needs to change to ensure that there is aspiration to work from a young age and this is embedded in transition and support planning. | Development of EHCP Transition Plan for CYP QA of EHCPS to monitor impact of this thread Support to write meaningful targets to address individual barriers. |
Previous Feedback
You can view previous feedback in our Annual Report.
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