Content tagged with: adult services
Services for deaf, deafened and hard of hearing adults Sensory Team provide services for adults with a hearing impairment.
Services for adults with a vision impairment Sensory Team provide services for adults with a vision impairment.
Adults, Wellbeing & Culture - Freedom of Information/Environmental Information Regulations - 2024/2025 on the topics below to view some of the Council's responses to Freedom of Information requests answered by the directorate Adults, Wellbeing & Culture.
Doncaster's Adult Social Care Market Position Statement is how we intend to work as a Council and how we would like our care and support organisations to work alongside us, and most importantly alongside Doncaster people.
Your Care and Support : Doncaster 2025 - Adult Social Care Local Account Adult Social Care Making it Real Board have co-produced a report about Adult Social Care in Doncaster
Help shape the future of care and support in Doncaster is your opportunity to help shape adult social care and support across Doncaster.
Our Housing Plans of our Housing Strategies
Direct Payments For Adults about Direct Payments, what you can use them for and how you can get them.
Homecare STEPS team Short Term Enablement Programme (STEPS) provides short term care and support to vulnerable adults living in the community.
Wellbeing want every person in Doncaster to live in the place they call home with the people and things that they love, in communities where they look out for one another, doing things that matter to them. Doncaster Council's Wellbeing Service is based on the principal of ensuring that all residents of Doncaster have access to support, advice and guidance to enable them to remain as safe and independent within their own communities for as long as possible.