Content tagged with: conservation
Local Sites Privacy Notice Privacy Notice sets out what you need to know about how the City of Doncaster Council (the Council) will use your information for the identification, designation and conservation of land of recognised wildlife and geological value (Local Sites).
Conservation areas in Doncaster conservation area is an area of special architectural or historic interest, the character or appearance of which is desirable to preserve or enhance. Under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990, the Council has a duty to consider the designation of conservation areas.
Design and conservation Design and Conservation Team (which is part of the Planning Policy and Built Environment Team) is responsible for the provision of detailed design and conservation advice on:
Skellow - Buttercross conservation area - Buttercross was designated a conservation area on 19 November 1991. A full appraisal has yet to be carried out.
Hickleton conservation area was designated a conservation area on 21 December 1970. A full appraisal has yet to be carried out.
Clifton conservation area was designated a conservation area on 20 May 1977. A full appraisal has yet to be carried out.
Doncaster - Market Place conservation area - Market Place was designated a conservation area on 2 October 1974.
Arksey conservation area was designated a conservation area on 8 October 1990. A full appraisal is yet to be carried out.
Campsall conservation area was designated a conservation area on 21 December 1970. A full appraisal has yet to be carried out.
Braithwell conservation area was designated a conservation area on 23 July 1979. A full appraisal has yet to be carried out.