International airport expertise secured to reopen Doncaster’s airport
Content tagged with: governors
Safer staff recruitment recruitment of a new member of staff is an important responsibility and should be given the necessary time and effort to ensure it is done correctly.
Who School Governors work with Governors need to establish working relationships with many different people. The key partners are identified below.
Information for School Governors School Governors
School Governing Body meetings to expect at a School Governors’ meeting
How School Governors are appointed Authority Governor representatives
How to become a School Governor a School Governor you could play an important role in shaping the future of the local education service.
Constitution of School Governing Bodies Governing Bodies of community, community special, foundation, voluntary aided and voluntary controlled schools can agree on a model for the size and membership of their Governing Body based on what best suits the circumstances of that school.
About school governors Governors are the largest volunteer force in the country.
School Governor training training programme is available that offers a variety of courses covering issues involved in the roles and responsibilities of Governing Bodies.
Policies and guidance for School Governors page contains a number of model policies and procedures produced by the council that have been recommended to schools for adoption.