Content tagged with: governors
How to become a School Governor a School Governor you could play an important role in shaping the future of the local education service.
Constitution of School Governing Bodies Governing Bodies of community, community special, foundation, voluntary aided and voluntary controlled schools can agree on a model for the size and membership of their Governing Body based on what best suits the circumstances of that school.
Safer staff recruitment recruitment of a new member of staff is an important responsibility and should be given the necessary time and effort to ensure it is done correctly.
School Governing Body meetings to expect at a School Governors’ meeting
School's Declarations of Interest Guidance schools are required to keep a register of any business or personal interest of the governors or staff employed at the school and the requirement to keep this register extends to the immediate families of governors and staff. These registers are maintained to protect public funds and help to prevent fraud and corruption by eliminating potential conflicts of interest. This page gives further details of this along with the relevant forms for governors and staff to use to report conflicts to their school.
Clerks to School Governors Clerk is the official channel of communication to and from the Governing Body.
School Governor training training programme is available that offers a variety of courses covering issues involved in the roles and responsibilities of Governing Bodies.
School Governors and Safeguarding page is for school Governors, specifically for any Governors with a lead on anti-bullying issues.