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Content tagged with: landlord
Lettings Agents & Fees 1st June 2019, most tenant fees are now banned. The ban also applies to guarantors.
Private Landlord – Data Privacy Notice Privacy Notice sets out what you need to know about how City of Doncaster Council (the Council) will use your information for improving service delivery within the Private Sector Housing. The Council is committed to meeting its data protection obligations and handling your information securely. You should make sure you read and understand this notice before submitting your information to us.
Housing benefit information for landlords tenants renting from private landlords have their housing benefit assessed under Local Housing Allowance (LHA) rules.
Housing Benefit and Council Tax Reduction forms to apply, provide evidence and further information for housing benefit and council tax reduction.
Apply for it: Benefits - Payment of Local Housing Allowance direct to your landlord for payment of Housing Benefit to be paid direct to a private landlord where a person has difficulty managing their finances.
Prosecutions - landlord related breaches have successfully prosecuted the following people for offences under the Housing Act 2004 relating to houses in multiple occupation (HMOs).
Apply for it: Benefits - Sharing information with your landlord form give permission to discuss your Housing Benefit claim with your landlord please complete this form.