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Content tagged with: landlord
Frequently asked questions for tenants renting from a private landlord that a tenant may ask about his rights and responsibilities when renting privately.
Private Renting - House Repairs have a statutory duty to keep the housing conditions in our area under review with a view to identifying any action that may need to be taken to address housing disrepair issues. In the majority of cases we will seek to form agreements to secure property improvement, however in some circumstances we will use legal enforcement measures to secure improvement if tenants are at risk.
Additional Licensing for Houses in Multiple Occupation council introduced an additional licensing scheme, which applied to certain Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs) not already covered by mandatory HMO licensing, which ran from 1st October 2018 until 30th September 2023. While the requirement to licence has now ended, valid licenses are still operative and must be complied with.
Houses in multiple occupation in multiple occupation with five or more tenants belonging to two or more households, require a licence from the council.
Selective licensing currently operate one selective licensing scheme in Doncaster, covering the designated area of Hexthorpe. If you are a private landlord renting out a residential property in a designated area, you are likely to require a licence. The Edlington selective licensing scheme came to an end on 6th February 2023. Please select the Edlington ribbon below for further details.
Managing a tenancy, tenancy deposits & eviction your rights and responsibility under a tenancy will assist landlords and tenants in helping to make sure lettings run smoothly and that both parties have a clear understanding of their relationship. Deposits in the private rented sector must be now held centrally in a government operated scheme. Eviction can be a complex area of the law and the requirements to be able to use eviction notices has changed.
Waste Management in Private Rented Properties authorities, tenants and landlords all need to work together to maintain the Borough as an attractive place where people want to live and thrive. Landlords play an important role in this and have an interest in making sure that tenants are educated in using the Council's waste services. Having good check-in and check-out procedures and being armed with the correct information can greatly reduce the likelihood of waste management issues arising during the tenancy.
Electrical Safety in Private Rented Accommodation recognise that most landlords fully understand their obligations to keep electrical installations in repair and good working order and that most already undertake regular electrical safety checks. Regulations are now in force requiring that landlords have the electrical installation at their properties checked at least once every five years.
Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) in the Private Rented Sector and advice on the requirements for EPCs in privately rented properties. This page also contains details of legal obligations for PRS landlords under the recently introduced Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards Regulations (MEES).
Doncaster Supported Housing Improvement Programme Supported Housing Improvement Programme (SHIP) is an England wide £20 million funding programme available from 2022-2025. The City of Doncaster Council was successful with its bid for funding and began operation of SHIP in mid-2023. SHIP focuses on three main areas of Supported Housing; Housing Benefits, Housing Standards and Support Review. The project aims to ensure supported housing provides safe and appropriate accommodation, delivers positive outcomes and provides value for money for the taxpayer.