Content tagged with: landlord
Doncaster Supported Housing Improvement Programme Supported Housing Improvement Programme (SHIP) is an England wide £20 million funding programme available from 2022-2025. The City of Doncaster Council was successful with its bid for funding and began operation of SHIP in mid-2023. SHIP focuses on three main areas of Supported Housing; Housing Benefits, Housing Standards and Support Review. The project aims to ensure supported housing provides safe and appropriate accommodation, delivers positive outcomes and provides value for money for the taxpayer.
Social Housing Regulation 2024 saw the implementation of a new consumer-focused regime to ensure the voice of residents is heard and to rebalance the relationship between tenant and Registered Social Landlords. A key element of this is that landlords need to demonstrate that tenants have been involved at every level of decision-making.
Managing a tenancy, tenancy deposits & eviction your rights and responsibility under a tenancy will assist landlords and tenants in helping to make sure lettings run smoothly and that both parties have a clear understanding of their relationship. Deposits in the private rented sector must be now held centrally in a government operated scheme. Eviction can be a complex area of the law and the requirements to be able to use eviction notices has changed.
Housing Associations (Affordable Housing) Associations in Doncaster own, manage and maintain over 4,000 properties
Private Renting in Doncaster - landlord and tenant advice for landlords and tenants about the effective and safe management of private rented accommodation. Our aim is to raise awareness and improve standards through a process of Education, Empowerment & Enforcement. Areas we cover include houses in multiple occupation (HMOs),houses rented by single households, park homes & caravan sites. You can find information covering landlord and tenant responsibilities including repairs, fire safety, electrical safety, energy efficiency & damp and mould hazards.
Private Landlord Liaison Service Point of Contact for private landlords.
Apply for it: Benefits - Payment of Local Housing Allowance direct to your landlord for payment of Housing Benefit to be paid direct to a private landlord where a person has difficulty managing their finances.
Housing Benefit and Council Tax Reduction forms to apply, provide evidence and further information for housing benefit and council tax reduction.
Housing benefit information for landlords tenants renting from private landlords have their housing benefit assessed under Local Housing Allowance (LHA) rules.
Houses in multiple occupation licensing you're a landlord or property managing agent who lets houses in multiple occupation (HMOs), you may need to apply for a licence.