Content tagged with: licensing
Private Hire Operator private hire operator's licence is required to enable a person to accept or invite bookings for private hire vehicles.
Private Hire Driver licence is required before any person can drive a licensed hackney carriage or private hire vehicle.
Hackney Carriage & Private Hire Driver (Dual Licence) licence is required before any person can drive a licensed hackney carriage or private hire vehicle.
Hackney Carriage Vehicle have been licensed for over 150 years – the legislation for hackney carriages pre dates the invention of the motor car dating back to 1847 – and private hire vehicles were first licensed almost 40 years ago.
Private Hire Vehicle main Acts of Parliament covering the licensing of Private Hire Vehicles are contained in Part II of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976.
Licensing Public Notices are details of all ongoing applications which are subject to public consultation.
Licensed premises gaming machine permit and notification premises with a licence for the consumption of alcohol granted under the Licensing Act 2003 is entitled to apply for a gaming machine permit.
Review of a Premises Licence or Club Certificate the Licensing Act 2003 a responsible authority or any other person (this includes an individual, body or business) can make an application for review of a premises licence or review of a club premises certificate.
Premises Licences - Variation to a Premises Licence now apply for a premises licence to authorise all the licensable activities they wish to carry on. Premises licences are not be time limited.
Premises Licences - New Application now apply for a premises licence to authorise all the licensable activities they wish to carry on. Premises licences are not be time limited.