Content tagged with: planning
Article 4 Directions 4 Directions are a means by which a local planning authority can bring within planning control certain types of development, or changes of use, which would normally be permitted development (i.e. not require an application for planning permission).
Article 4 Direction - Houses in Multiple Occupation council has made an Article 4 Direction relating to houses in multiple occupation (HMO), this came into force 14 October 2019.
Local Nature Recovery Strategy Yorkshire is starting to prepare a Local Nature Recovery Strategy (a new requirement of the Environment Act 2021).
About Building Control building control system exists to make sure that buildings are properly designed and constructed to ensure the health, safety, welfare and convenience of people using them.
Doncaster Geodiversity Assessment Doncaster Geodiversity Assessment was produced and written by the British Geological Survey, on behalf of Doncaster Council.
Flood Risk and Drainage risk from all sources must be considered when any development is to be carried out and there are various ways in which flood risk is assessed in order to ascertain what the flooding constraints to a development site may be.
Getting involved you are interested in our local geology and geodiversity and want to get involved, we need enthusiastic people to join the Geodiversity Action Partnership.
Hedgerows lend beauty and character to rural landscapes and play an integral part in defining the historical landscape of the Borough.
Getting consent to work on a protected tree wishing to do works to a protected tree must first get permission, this page will guide you on this process.
Notable and venerable trees Notable and Venerable Trees document contains a list of Noteworthy Trees to be found within the Doncaster borough.