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Content tagged with: planning
Hazards and Advice are numerous hazards which affect and impact Doncaster
Brownfield Land Register Council has a Part 1 Brownfield Land Register which provides up-to-date and consistent information on brownfield sites that the Council considers as being appropriate for residential development.
Biological Data Search Local Records Centre (DLRC) can provide data on statutory and non-statutory designated sites, habitats and species within the Doncaster Borough boundary.
Consultation on transport improvements in East Doncaster of Doncaster Council has been successful in securing funding from the Department for Transport via the City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement for a proposed multi-modal transport improvement scheme. The scheme offers benefits for all modes of travel, enhancing sustainable travel options and reducing traffic congestion along a key corridor through increased road capacity and the use of technology to optimise traffic flows.
Pre-application advice encourage applicants and agents to obtain pre-application advice before submitting a formal planning application.
Monitoring and Implementation reports are produced to monitor the implementation of the council's Planning Policies.
How the Planning Committee works your planning application goes to the Planning Committee for a decision this page details the process.
Check if you need planning permission permission may be required for a wide variety of development, whether it be new building works or changes in the use of land or buildings. However, there are many kinds of alterations and additions to buildings for which you do not need to apply for planning permission because they've been granted through 'permitted development rights'.
Building Control Application Forms see below for all Building Control Application forms. See also below Guidance for Duty Holders - building regulations update - 2023
Statement of Community Involvement Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) outlines the procedure for preparing and consulting on planning policy and planning applications.