Content tagged with: policy
Highway Maintenance Policies and Strategies of Doncaster Council highways maintenance policies and strategies.
Local Plan’s Local Plan sets out how Doncaster Borough will grow and develop from 2015 to 2035. It identifies where and how new jobs, homes and services will be located; its policies guide investment and development, encourage sustainable and inclusive economic growth, protect the environment and promote social inclusion.
Edlington Neighbourhood Development Plan - Made Town Council Neighbourhood Development Plan
Community Engagement Framework Council is committed to ensuring high-quality, citizen focused services for the increasingly rich and diverse communities that make up our borough and our aim is to improve the quality of life for everyone who lives, visits or works in Doncaster. To achieve this we are aware of the importance to base our services around the needs of our communities. Engaging with communities and local businesses is a key enabler for Doncaster Growing Together(DGT) and sits at the heart of everything we do.
Our policies and plans are links to some policies and plans produced by the council.
Whistleblowing of Doncaster Council is committed to the highest possible standards of openness, probity and accountability and expects that Members and officers/employees at all levels will protect the Council and its resources and lead by example, ensuring high standards of personal conduct and adherence to the Council’s policies, procedures and rules.
Anti-Fraud, Bribery and Corruption Framework council has a duty, in law and morally, to protect the public funds it administers and act in a way that protects those funds. Fraud, bribery, corruption and dishonesty (whilst rare) adversely affects the council's reputation and its ability to achieve its objectives through the diversion of the council's limited resources from the provision of service to the people of Doncaster.
School's Declarations of Interest Guidance schools are required to keep a register of any business or personal interest of the governors or staff employed at the school and the requirement to keep this register extends to the immediate families of governors and staff. These registers are maintained to protect public funds and help to prevent fraud and corruption by eliminating potential conflicts of interest. This page gives further details of this along with the relevant forms for governors and staff to use to report conflicts to their school.