Content tagged with: policy
Policies, Procedures and Guidance for Childcare Professionals to support practitioners through the creation and implementation of policies and procedures including downloadable templates.
Policies and guidance for School Governors page contains a number of model policies and procedures produced by the council that have been recommended to schools for adoption.
Safeguarding Adults Policy and Procedures overview of the new South Yorkshire Safeguarding Adults Procedures.
Transport Policy Statement Transport Partnership Fund Policy Statement 2024/2025 - for learners aged 16-18 in further education and continuing students aged 19 and over.
Highway Maintenance Policies and Strategies of Doncaster Council highways maintenance policies and strategies.
Local Plan’s Local Plan sets out how Doncaster Borough will grow and develop from 2015 to 2035. It identifies where and how new jobs, homes and services will be located; its policies guide investment and development, encourage sustainable and inclusive economic growth, protect the environment and promote social inclusion.
Edlington Neighbourhood Development Plan - Made Town Council Neighbourhood Development Plan
Planning Policy Background Documents - Climate Change and Energy are a number of background studies and evidence base documents that have informed the Local Plan. Many of these are still relevant so are available to view and download below.
Planning Policy Background Documents - Green Infrastructure and the Natural Environment are a number of background studies and evidence base documents that have informed the Local Plan. Many of these are still relevant so are available to view and download below.
Planning Policy Background Documents - The Historic Environment and Design are a number of background studies and evidence base documents that have informed the Local Plan. Many of these are still relevant so are available to view and download below.