Content tagged with: safeguarding adults
Domestic Abuse Protocol Doncaster Domestic Abuse Protocol has been refreshed! Please check out this latest version, published in June 2023, to see information about changes introduced through the Domestic Act 2021, details of new initiatives and referral pathways and new information and guidance about domestic abuse and how to respond to victims and perpetrators.
Safeguarding Adults Policy and Procedures overview of the new South Yorkshire Safeguarding Adults Procedures.
Safeguarding Adults aim to support Adults at risk to retain independence and be able to live a life free from abuse and neglect. Everyone has the right to be safe, to be respected, to be heard. Everyone has a role to play to make this happen.
Doncaster Safeguarding Adults Board (DSAB) page contains the Doncaster Safeguarding Adults Annual Reports for the past 5 years. Also on this page are minutes from the Doncaster Safeguarding Adults Board meetings.
Safeguarding Events page contains regular updates on any safeguarding events happening in Doncaster.
Service Area: Emergencies out about what to do in an emergency regarding services in Doncaster.
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Sexual abuse. What should I do if..... page is dedicated to helping you understand the different types of sexual abuse crimes and sexual motivated crimes, how to report them and how to access the relevant support services. Please remember that you are never to blame for being sexually harassed, abused, assaulted or raped. Support is available for you in Doncaster and agencies will do everything they can to hold the abusers to account.
Safeguarding adults emergency you see, hear or suspect that an adult at risk is being abused, or if you are an adult at risk, or if you would like further guidance or support, contact us: