Content tagged with: complaints
Noise you are having a problem with noise such as loud music, burglar alarms, DIY, noisy pubs, rowdy parties or barking dogs in your neighbourhood, we can help you.
Alternative Dispute Resolution for Consumers a dispute with a business using the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Scheme
Social Housing Regulation 2024 saw the implementation of a new consumer-focused regime to ensure the voice of residents is heard and to rebalance the relationship between tenant and Registered Social Landlords. A key element of this is that landlords need to demonstrate that tenants have been involved at every level of decision-making.
Tell us your views on Children's Services always want to hear from you. If you are happy with the service we’ve provided and want to thank someone who has helped you, please get in touch.
How to complain about a Councillor you are unhappy about the way a Councillor, a Co-opted Member of the council or a Parish/Town Councillor has behaved, you can make a complaint in writing to the Council’s Monitoring Officer.
Code of Conduct for Councillors two months of being elected as a councillor, or appointed as a co-opted member, individuals must sign a Declaration of Acceptance of Office before performing their role as a councillor. On 21st May 2021, City of Doncaster Council adopted the new Local Government Association Model Code of Conduct. All Councillors automatically sign up to abide by this Code upon being elected. A copy of the Code can be viewed under the 'Downloads and Resources' section on this page.
Unreasonable Behaviour Policy aim of this policy is to give officers guidance to help them identify circumstances where a service user or complainant’s behaviour could be classed as unreasonable and to aid their decisions in how to appropriately respond to such behaviour. This policy should be read in conjunction with the Council’s Complaints Policy.
Alternative Dispute Resolution for Businesses a dispute with a customer using the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Scheme
Complaints and compliments feedback is very important to us and it helps us to improve the services we provide to better meet the needs of our customers.
Report it: Childrens complaint make a complaint or provide feedback to the Children, Young People and Families Service.