Content tagged with: employment
Proud to Care - Careers in children's social care Doncaster, we are proud to care for our most vulnerable children and young people at a time when they need it the most, working restoratively to achieve the best outcome for the whole family.
Local Supported Employment scheme for Adults with Autism or Learning Disability friendly team helps people with Learning Disabilities or Autism to learn new skills and flourish in the workplace.
Pathways to Employment available for young people with SEND to help them successfully gain employment once they leave full-time education.
Monitoring and Implementation reports are produced to monitor the implementation of the council's Planning Policies.
Monitoring Archive for previous monitoring documents since 1 April 2015 (base date of the Local Plan).
Local Plan’s Local Plan sets out how Doncaster Borough will grow and develop from 2015 to 2035. It identifies where and how new jobs, homes and services will be located; its policies guide investment and development, encourage sustainable and inclusive economic growth, protect the environment and promote social inclusion.
Day Opportunities in Doncaster (Supportive Multi-Ability Inter-Generational Life Experiences) provides day activities and projects for older people, adults with learning disabilities, autism and individuals who require specialist support.
About Public Health council is responsible for a number of public health functions:
16-24 Employment Hub - Privacy Notice Privacy Notice sets out what you need to know about how City of Doncaster Council (the Council) will use your information to provide you with the 16-24 Employment Hub service.
Report it: Notify us of your Education, Employment or Training (EET) Status the Education and Skills Act 2008 legislation, local authorities are required to promote the effective participation in education or training...