International Airport Operator ready and waiting in the wings, Mayor confirms
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Monitoring Archive for previous monitoring documents since 1 April 2015 (base date of the Local Plan).
Statement of Community Involvement Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) outlines the procedure for preparing and consulting on planning policy and planning applications.
Doncaster Landscape Character Assessment and Capacity Study document describes Doncaster's landscape character and identifies the capacity of different areas of the borough to accommodate different types of development (in landscape terms only) - it also contains recommendations for developing planning policies.
Barnsley, Doncaster & Rotherham Joint Waste Plan Joint Waste Plan sets out our planning strategy for dealing with waste, including the provision of new waste facilities, up until 2026. Work has also now commenced on a new Joint Waste Plan, once adopted, will cover all four Local Planning Authorities in South Yorkshire (therefore future work will also include Sheffield).
Supplementary Planning Documents and Interim Planning Guidance council is producing a number of new Supplementary Planning Documents to provide further guidance about the implementation of specific planning policies in the Local Plan.