Content tagged with: special educational needs
Local Offer - Early Years section of the Local Offer provides information about the support available to you and your child during their early years. The term “early years” covers the early years from birth to five years old.
Short Breaks children and young people with a disability or complex health need, to access services and activities that will enhance their life experiences; whilst offering a break to families/carers.
Local Offer - Support for all Learners page explains how children and young people are supported in their education settings.
Local Offer - Education and Learning support for children and young people who have special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).
Local Offer - Specialist Provision details of specialist provision.
Local Offer - Mainstream and Independent Schools on mainstream and independent schools in Doncaster.
Advice for Professionals on Bullying safeguarding and online protection information is for professionals and contains legal and general guidance on all aspects of bullying.
Local Offer - Understanding Autism is a lifelong neuro-developmental condition that affects how a person communicates and interacts with other people around them.
Local Offer - The Graduated Approach children should be supported to enable them to make progress and achieve the best possible outcomes in their learning journey. The pages below describe support available in education settings to children and young people with SEND. This applies to all educational settings such as pre-schools, schools and colleges.
Local Offer - Health and Social Care section provides information about the health and social care professionals and services that support children and young people with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND).