Content tagged with: special educational needs
Local Offer - Preparing for Adulthood (Post 16) for adulthood is a process that all young people go through when they move on from being a teenager and become an adult.
Local Offer - Specific Learning Difficulties specific learning difficulty (SpLD) is an umbrella term for a group of difficulties that can affects the way that a child or young person learns or processes information. These tend to impact aspects of learning such as developing of reading and writing and maths knowledge.
Local Offer - Specialist Education Support Services here for specialist education support services
Local Offer - Support for Carers on support available for carers, family and friends of children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities.
Local Offer - SEND Support (Targeted and Targeted+ Level) a child or young person is struggling with their learning, they may need extra support to help them progress. This page looks at the types of support available at Targeted and Targeted + Level of the Graduated Approach and how you can access it.
Doncaster SENDIAS SENDIAS provides information, advice and support (IAS) to parents, carers, children and young people in relation to Special Educational Needs (SEN) and Disability and related health and social care issues.
Service Area: Children, young people & families out how to apply for free school meals, nursery applications, music theory classes and school transfers. Find information about adult learning, families information service and childcare, the youth service and special educational needs.
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Local Offer - Early Years - Childcare and Early Education early years providers are required to have arrangements in place to identify and support children with SEN or disabilities and to promote equality of opportunity. These requirements are set out in the EYFS framework.
Local Offer - Mental Health and Wellbeing after your mental health and wellbeing is just as important as looking after your physical health. There is lots of support available to help you and your family in our city.
Local Offer - Independent Living people with SEND may start thinking about living independently as they get older. It is very important that they have choices and control when making decisions about their lives. For young people with an education, health and care (EHC) plan, independent living options will be discussed with them as part of their transition planning from Year 9 onwards.