Local Offer - Health and Social Care
This section provides information about the health and social care professionals and services that support children and young people with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND).

Those with special educational needs and disabilities sometimes need a little more support than their peers. This can either be because of long-term conditions or temporary conditions which improve over time. The pages below provide information on different health professionals and services which can have a positive impact on the daily lives and well-being of children and young people.
- Speech, Language and Communication
The ability to make and understand sounds, receive and express messages and use and understand social rules - Sensory Needs
Temporary or permanent visual or hearing impairments, multi-sensory impairments - Physical Needs
Temporary or permanent physical needs or disabilities - Mental Health & Wellbeing
Coping with daily challenges, knowing your potential and building relationships - Challenging Behaviour
A range of behaviours such as hurting others or themselves, destructive behaviours and more - Neurodiversity
Neurodiversity describes the range of differences in how people’s brains work - Everything Else
All other health services can be found here
Social Care
Frequently Asked Questions
How can my child get an ASD or ADHD diagnosis?
What is a Section 23 notification?
A Section 23 notification is a notification made by a health professional to the local authority, about a child under compulsory school age who they believe has, or is likely to have, special educational needs or a disability (SEND).
There is a legal duty placed upon health professionals to notify the local authority of the children who fall under this criteria, this is to enable local services work together to best meet the needs of all children by helping to ensure that there are services and enough education places to meet future needs.
Health professionals who identify children who fall into this criteria also have a legal duty to:
- Inform parents of their concern
- Arrange for parents to discuss this concern with an appropriate health professional
- Advise parents of organisations that may be able to support them.
You can find out more about how the City of Doncaster Council protect your data by reading our privacy notice.
What is an Annual Health Check and who is it for?
An annual health check can help you stay well by talking to a doctor or nurse about your health and finding any problems early, so they can be sorted out. You do not have to be ill to have a health check – in fact, most people have their annual health check when they are feeling well.
Anyone aged 14 or over who is on their doctor's learning disability register can have a free annual health check once a year.
If you are worried about seeing a doctor, or there is anything they can do to make your appointment better, let the doctor or nurse know. They can make changes, called reasonable adjustments, to help you.
Visit the NHS website to read more about annual health checks.
What is a Designated Clinical Officer?
The Designated Clinical Officer is responsible for ensuring children and young people with SEND have access to the right health support to achieve the best outcomes possible. They work closely with Doncaster local authority to make sure that there are good systems in place to meet the needs of local children and young people.
To get in touch with the Designated Clinical Officer, call 0800 021 8997.
What duty do schools have to support children who have medical needs?
The Children and Families Act 2010 says the all state-funded schools must “make arrangements for supporting pupils at the school with medical conditions.” The statutory guidance, Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions at School, explains the support which schools are expected to give to children and young people who have medical needs.
The school, in partnership with you, your child and health professionals involved in your child's care, may create an Individual Health Care Plan (IHCP) which outlines the support your child requires for their medical needs. An IHCP different from, and should not be confused with, an Education, Health and Care Plan.
Independent schools to not have to follow the statutory guidance, but they should have their own policies and procedures for supporting children with medical needs.
Where can I find information about specific medical conditions?
The Contact website contains an A-Z list of medical conditions. You can find a wide range of information on the website including symptoms, causes, treatment and support.
Who can I speak to if I have concerns about local health and social care services?
If you have concerns about local health and social care services, you can speak to Healthwatch.
Healthwatch is a champion for people who use health and social care services in Doncaster. They listen to any concerns that you might have and speak out on your behalf by making sure your experience is brought to the attention of the people in charge who can make a difference.
- Online contact form | Healthwatch Doncaster
- Call: 01302 965450 between the hours of 9am-4pm Monday to Friday (excluding Bank Holidays)
- Post: 8D Cavendish Court, South Parade, Doncaster, DN1 2DJ
- Email: info@healthwatchdoncaster.org.uk
What is a Care and Treatment Review?
Care and Treatment Reviews (CTRs) are designed to help people lead fulfilling and safe lives in their communities whenever possible, with less need for long stays in hospital and similar places. CTR’s are used for children and adults with learning disabilities. They are a way of checking whether someone needs to go into hospital or whether their care and treatment can be provided in the community.
Transforming care is about making health and care services and outcomes better for people with learning disabilities who have mental health conditions or behaviour which challenges.
The easy read Transforming Care document explains the process in more detail and highlights your right to request a CTR. There is also a useful document which has been written by parents for parents regarding how to plan and prepare for a CTR.
Read more about the Transforming Care Agenda which includes changing to reflect children more explicitly.
Further information on Care and Treatment Reviews is available on the NHS website.
If you believe your child/children requires a CTR, please contact South Yorkshire Integrated Care Board on 01302 566300.
Where can I find details of local health services?
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