Content tagged with: licensing
Animal Licensing you are carrying on a business involving animals, under the Animal Welfare (Licensing of activities involving animals) Regulations 2018 you will require a licence for the following activities: Selling animals as Pets Providing or arranging for the provision of boarding for cats & dogs Hiring out horses (riding schools) Breeding Dogs Keeping or training animals for exhibition
Skin Piercing Registrations is illegal to conduct acupuncture, tattooing, cosmetic piercing, semi permanent skin colouring or electrolysis unless you are registered.
Licensing council has responsibility for licences, permits and registrations for a wide variety of activities in Doncaster.
Small Society Lottery Registration the Gambling Act 2005 small societies wishing to promote lotteries must register with the local authority as a small society lottery.
Gambling premises licence guidance is aimed at businesses or individuals that wish to provide gambling facilities at bingo halls, bookmakers, amusement arcades, race courses and sporting arenas (where betting takes place).
Club gaming permit club gaming permit allows for the provision of no more than three gaming machines (these may be from categories B3A, B4, C or D - see categories below).
Hackney Carriage Vehicle have been licensed for over 150 years – the legislation for hackney carriages pre dates the invention of the motor car dating back to 1847 – and private hire vehicles were first licensed almost 40 years ago.
Occasional use - licensed betting operators permit use notices permit licensed betting operators, with the appropriate permission from the Gambling Commission, to use tracks for short periods of betting at events which are temporary or infrequent.
Licensed premises gaming machine permit and notification premises with a licence for the consumption of alcohol granted under the Licensing Act 2003 is entitled to apply for a gaming machine permit.
Prize gaming permit gaming normally consists of low stakes and prizes gambling in which neither the nature nor the size of the prize is determined by the number of persons playing nor the amount paid for or raised by the gaming. It can comprise of a variety of games, providing that the participation fees and prizes do not exceed prescribed limits. The prize can be a cash or non-cash prize.