Content tagged with: housing
Doncaster Housing Strategy homes have a powerful influence on our health and wellbeing. This has become even more apparent during 2020, when many of us spent much more time in our own homes than we normally would expect to and many of our residents were still dealing with the aftermath of the devastating floods in November 2019.
What is Local Housing Allowance Housing Allowance (LHA) applies to most tenants who rent their home from a private landlord.
Apply for it: Discretionary Housing Payments application form Housing Payments provide extra help if you are already getting housing benefit or Universal Credit (including housing costs) but...
Discretionary Housing Payments housing payments (DHP) provide extra help if you are already getting Housing Benefit or Universal Credit (including housing costs for rent) but you still need further help with your rental costs.
Council House Build Programmes of Doncaster Council Strategic Housing team provide high quality affordable homes for rent, which meet the needs of Doncaster’s local communities. Our recent new homes built for rent across the borough, feature modern heating systems, insulation, Solar PV and EV chargers.
Specialist and Supported Housing wants to ensure its residents live in homes that support good health and wellbeing. Providing the right homes and support is vital in enabling vulnerable people to live independently in the community; ensuring they have choice and control of where and how they live.
Monitoring and Implementation reports are produced to monitor the implementation of the council's Planning Policies.
Monitoring Archive for previous monitoring documents since 1 April 2015 (base date of the Local Plan).
Local Plan’s Local Plan sets out how Doncaster Borough will grow and develop from 2015 to 2035. It identifies where and how new jobs, homes and services will be located; its policies guide investment and development, encourage sustainable and inclusive economic growth, protect the environment and promote social inclusion.
Self-build and Custom Housebuilding Register Council has set up a register for people who are interested in a self-build or custom-build home in the Doncaster area.