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Local Offer - Needs Led Neurodevelopmental Pathway
This page contains information on the Needs Led Neurodevelopmental Pathway in Doncaster.
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What is the Neurodevelopmental Assessment Pathway?
The Neurodevelopmental Pathway is Doncaster's diagnostic pathway to refer children and young people for clinical screening when they may have a underlying neurodevelopmental need.
When should children and young people be referred to the Pathway?
Referring to a specialist assessment pathway should not be the first step in supporting a child or young person. An initial period of observations, information gathering and support should be put in place and reviewed regularly in line with the Graduated Approach.
If the child or young person continues to demonstrate persistent and complex needs, it should be considered whether there is a need for a neurodevelopmental assessment.
Who can refer to the Pathway?
Your early years or education provider, school nursing team, health visiting team or CAMHS can refer into the pathway by completing a referral form. The referral form is split into three sections for:
- The school/setting to complete
- The parent/carer to complete
- The young person to complete if they're are over 11.
Referrals from GP’s are no longer accepted.
What is the Pathway Process?
Initial Review of the Referral
Once the referral form has been submitted to the Pathway, this (and all supporting information) is reviewed by the Pathway Coordinator to ensure the referral has been fully completed and check there is no information missing. If there is any information missing, the referral will be sent back to the referrer.
Once the Pathway Coordinator is satisfied the referral has been fully completed and enough information has been provided, the referral will be sent to the Triage Panel to review.
Triaging the Referral
All referrals to the pathway are now discussed at a multi-disciplinary triage panel which is held on a weekly basis. The panel is chaired by DBTH and panel members include representation from some or all of the following services:
- Doncaster and Bassetlaw Hospitals NHS Trust
- Doncaster School Nursing
- Doncaster Health Visiting
- Early Intervention and Localities Service
- Early Help
- Intellectual Disability Team (RDaSH)
- Open Minds Counselling Service
The panel will discuss the referral form and the information contained within it. Specialists will look at the support that can be offered to you and your child and whether a continuation onto the ASD pathway will be suitable for your child at this time or whether there is enough information and evidence to direct the referral for clinical triage with one of the diagnostic pathways. If this referral is felt to be inappropriate, the panel will suggest further interventions to support the child. This may be support within school, at home or both.
The Panel will discuss the referral and decide on what will happen next. This could include:
- Returning the referral back to the referrer because further information is required. If this happens, the referral will go back to the Triage Panel for re-discussion once the extra information is supplied. Please note your child/young person’s place will be held while this information is gathered.
- Declining the referral because your child's needs have been identified but further diagnostic testing is not appropriate. If this happens, recommendations on next steps will be given.
- Referral for Clinical Screening for Autism pathway or ADHD pathway because there is enough supporting information to demonstrate these types of needs.
- Children under and over age 5 years can be referred to the autism pathway. Children aged 7 and over can be referred to the ADHD pathway
- If your child is accepted on to the pathway, they will be placed on a waiting list. If your child's referral is declined, recommendations will be given.
- General Development Pathway (GDA) because it's unclear if your child requires an autism or ADHD assessment, there is a possible clinical need and their case is complex for example they may have developmental delay, Cerebral Palsy or dyspraxia.
- Some children who receive a GDA will be further referred to the autism or ADHD pathway if it is felt necessary.
Frequently Asked Questions
What can I do if my child's early years setting and/or school won't put in a request?
In the first instance, we encourage you to have another conversation with your child's early years setting and/or school as they will have lots of information on your child which clinicians need to be able to make a good assessment.
If you continue to feel your child's setting is not giving you the support you need then you should contact your health visitor or school nurse by calling the Single Point of Contact on 0300 021 8997.
What input will I have in the referral and/or assessment?
You will be asked to provide information about your child on the referral form.
At the GDA appointment, the Paediatrician will ask you about things you have noticed about your child’s development. They will usually ask you questions such as what your child finds easier and what they may have needed help with. They will ask you about their early development as well as the impact any difficulties are having day to day on your child. The assessment may include asking information around medical history, an examination and/or requesting further investigations or genetic testing.
What is a GDA (General Developmental Assessment) appointment?
A GDA appointment is a clinic appointment with a doctor, who will perform an initial developmental assessment of your child. The aim of the appointment is to determine what difficulties your child is having, and how best the service can support and help them. The initial assessment will last 1 hour.
What happens after the GDA appointment?
Following this initial appointment, the Paediatrician will decide on the next steps. This could be one of the following:
- Referral to the Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Pathway
- Referral to the Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Pathway
- Request further information
- Discharge from clinic with recommendations of support services
Useful Contacts
GDA Coordinator
If you would like to check on your child's referral, e.g. find out where your child currently is on the assessment waiting list, please contact the GDA Coordinator.
- Tel: 01302 642302
- Email:
Doncaster SENDIAS Service provides independent information, guidance and support for young people aged up to 25 and/or parents/carers of children with any level of additional needs or disabilities.
They can offer impartial advice, information and support to you so that you can take an active part in all the decisions that may affect you (as a young person) or your child’s education and disability needs.
- Tel: 01302 736920
- Email:
Doncaster Parents Voice (DPV)
Doncaster Parents Voice (DPVoice) is run by parents of children with a variety of additional needs. They exist to support families with disabled children whenever they need them. Parents often make contact when they are at their most vulnerable and have no one to turn to. DPVoice offer support, information, advocacy, advice and peer support for families with similar issues.
- Tel: 01302 637566
- Email:
Doncaster Autism Service (DAS)
Doncaster Autism Service is a new service in Doncaster which supports people with autism of all ages and their families. The service can support people who are going through the diagnosis process for autism, or who have been newly diagnosed with autism. They run regular information sessions for families, and also offer social activities which children and young people can enjoy.
- Tel: 07536455292
- Email:
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