Early Years Inclusion Team
Information and advice to support children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) aged 0-5.

Section 23 Notification
Section 23 notifications must be completed by health professionals. In compliance with the legal duty to notify City of Doncaster Council to enhance partnership working with services to ensure a child/children's Special Educational Needs are met.
- Family Hub offer for professionals (3)-1
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On this page, you can find:
Early Years Inclusion Team
About the Team
The Early Years Inclusion Team (EYIT) has ambitious and high aspirations for early years children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Our comprehensive offer ensures the right support is in place at the right time for every child within Doncaster.
The Early Years Inclusion Team consists of the following roles:
- Early Years Inclusion Officers (EYIOs)
- Area Special Educational Needs Coordinators (SENCOs)
- Area Special Educational Needs Development Officers (SENDCOs)
- Portage Home Visitors
- Safeguarding Officers
- Childminder Support Officer
The team work within designated locality areas across the borough.
Contact Details
- November 2024 Early Years Inclusion Team Contact Details
- Download (1.29MB - DOCX)
- We support early years providers (private, maintained nurseries, childminders and playgroups) to raise quality and attainment, particularly for children with special educational needs and/or disabilities. We want children to thrive and offer advice and support in narrowing the gaps in their learning and development, consequently improving outcomes. We work with early years providers to prepare and support children in their transition within the next step of their education.
- Where EYIT support is requested, we will work with settings to ensure that effective special educational provision is in place through the use of the graduated approach. We will advise and support settings on identifying different types and levels of need within the Continuum of Need for SEN through assessment of the impact on learning and/or barriers to learning. We will develop understanding of adult facilitated learning to ensure that children are able to access a full and varied curriculum, taking into account their individual and specific needs and learning styles.
- The Early Years Inclusion Team adhere to the SEND Code of Practice (2015). We support with embedding the graduated approach and everything relating to SEND and inclusive practice within early years. This can be in the form of information, practical support, advice, guidance, requests documentation and links.
- All childcare providers within Doncaster are required to offer an inclusive environment and to respond to children’s individual needs, having an identified Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo) or Inclusion Coordinator is one aspect of this. It is their responsibility to coordinate support for children with SEND in their setting and to liaise with other professionals to ensure that all the needs of the child/children are planned for in advance.
Early Years Inclusion Team Requests and Dates
- 24-25 Early Years Request dates and Information. Updated Jan 25_2
- Download (63KB - DOCX)
Guidance and Information
- Download (213KB - PDF)
- SENCO calendar (1)
- Download (59KB - DOCX)
Policy Development Guidance
- Developing an outings policy and procedure
- Download (85KB - PDF)
- Developing a Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy and Procedure
- Download (285KB - PDF)
- Developing a missing children policy and procedure
- Download (83KB - PDF)
- Developing a Children who are ill or infectious procedure
- Download (96KB - PDF)
- Developing a Whistle Blowing Policy and Procedure
- Download (114KB - PDF)
- Developing a complaints procedure
- Download (83KB - PDF)
- Developing a Critical Incident procedure
- Download (219KB - PDF)
- Developing a Uncollected Child Procedure
- Download (70KB - PDF)
- Developing a Administration of Medication procedure
- Download (134KB - PDF)
- Developing a policy for fire safety
- Download (78KB - PDF)
- Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan Template
- Download (44KB - DOCM)
- Developing a use of the internet procedure
- Download (125KB - PDF)
- Developing a mobile phone camera and internet enabled devices
- Download (140KB - PDF)
- Transition Plan template
- Download (33KB - DOCX)
- Reflective Inclusion Audit template
- Download (38KB - DOCX)
Personalised Learning Plans
- Updated SEN support plan 3.10.24
- Download (99KB - DOCX)
In light of the EYFS reforms, as an authority we are changing how we measure children's achievements. Where children have been awarded and are in receipt of Early Intervention Allowance (EIA), providers are required to measure the outcomes of the children’s Personalised Learning Plans. Please see the below descriptor for further information. If you have any queries please contact your Area SENCO.
- PLP progress descriptors template
- Download (15KB - DOCX)
- Learning outcomes template
- Download (15KB - XLSX)
Early Intervention Allowance (EIA)
- EYs Cognition and Learning DRAFT-1
- Download (626KB - DOCX)
- EYs Social Emotional and Mental Health DRAFT-1
- Download (624KB - DOCX)
- Doncaster Early Years Inclusion Team Early Intervention Allowance - Category of Need
- Download (57KB - DOCX)
- FS1 Funding Guidance for children with SEND 0-4 years_ V1.1
- Download (178KB - PDF)
- FS2 Funding Guidance for children with SEND
- Download (29KB -DOCX)
Continuation of Early Intervention Allowance
- Download (60KB - DOCX)
Inclusion Conversation
- Inclusion Conversation Frequently Asked Questions
- Download (315KB - PDF)
- Inclusion Conversation template
- Download (56KB - XLSX)
Wellbeing Plan
Since the pandemic there has been increasing awareness of the importance of mental health and wellbeing. We know young children have been particularly impacted by the pandemic and associated social distancing measures. At any one time a child may be anywhere on a spectrum between thriving, emotionally healthy, coping, struggling and unwell. They can move along the spectrum, and it is important that they access the right support and advice at the right time.
We know that providers are working hard to ensure the wellbeing of children, supporting them within their settings and school and where necessary seeking advice and support. While most children are thriving and achieving and able to access the wide range of experiences settings, school and services offer, we are aware of the increasing concerns you hold about some of the most vulnerable children you are supporting.
To support and guide the ongoing work settings and schools undertake with these young people. The Early Years Inclusion Team have created a child’s wellbeing plan template.
It is hoped undertaking the wellbeing plans with the child and their parent/carer will further promote their wellbeing, increase feelings of self-efficacy in the child and emphasise balanced thinking, strength-building, active coping and resilience while maintaining their safety.
The child’s wellbeing plan template is supplementary to services and support already in place and are not designed to replace an assessment, statutory guidance, or your setting, schools own safeguarding policies and procedures.
- Template wellbeing plan
- Download (55KB - DOCX)
Portage Service
What is the Portage Service?
Portage is a home-visiting educational service for children 0-4 with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), and their families.
Portage aims to:
- Work with families to help them develop a quality of life and experience, for themselves and their young children, in which they can learn together, play together, participate and be included in their community in their own right.
- Play a part in minimising the disabling barriers that confront young children and their families.
- Support the national and local development of inclusive services for children.
- Portage service leaflet
- Download (1.21MB - DOCX)
Referral Criteria
- The child is aged from birth to four years.
- The child is not accessing early education 0-4 years in a Private Voluntary Independent (PVI) setting, childminder, or school.
- There are two terms e.g. Autumn and Spring terms available for support from our service.
- Parents/carers and professionals have observed a delay* in at least two areas of development, or the child has been diagnosed as having a medical condition, which is generally recognised as likely to lead to future significant developmental delay.
- The child lives within the boundaries of the City of Doncaster
- The referrer must complete the online referral form available on Doncaster Local Offer.
*Children with needs are diverse learners with extensive needs in the areas of cognition and/or learning, communication, physical and social/emotional development. The child may also have concurrent health, sensory, and / or physical differences.
Who can refer to Portage?
Requests can be made by:
- Parents and carers
- Paediatrician
- Health visitor
- Speech, physiotherapy or occupational therapy
- Social care
- Specialist services such as Visual Impairment, Hearing Impairment and Early Skills Group
EYIT Request Form
Stepping Stones
What is Stepping Stones?
Stepping Stones is a group for children aged 0-4 who have been referred to the Early Years Panel for Portage service involvement. Panel have recommended to offer a placement at Stepping Stones. Stepping Stones is delivered by the Portage Home Visiting team and is held every two weeks (term time only). Stepping Stones is based within a nursery provision environment, with high quality learning opportunities provided to the children supported by their parent/carers and the Portage Home Visiting Team.
Stepping Stones provides the opportunity for children:
- To have a fun time, learning through high quality play opportunities in a nursery provision environment.
- To having play opportunities with peers with a focus on social, communication and interaction, including time to join a group snack time and singing time
- To play alongside skilled Portage Home Visitors who will role model activities and strategies, discussing next steps with parent/carers
- Parents/carers have the opportunity network with other families.
- Families to be supported to apply for a nursery or school placement or access a Family Hub
- Stepping Stones Leaflet
- Download (771KB - DOCX)
Referral Criteria
- The child is aged from birth to four years.
- The child is not accessing early education 0-4 years in a Private Voluntary Independent (PVI) setting, childminder, or school.
- The child must be referred only if there is at least one term e.g. 12 weeks available for support from our service.
- Parents/carers and professionals have observed a significant delay* in at least two areas of development, or the child has been diagnosed as having a medical condition, which is generally recognised as likely to lead to future significant developmental delay.
- The child lives within the boundaries of the City of Doncaster
- The referrer must complete the online referral form available on Doncaster Local Offer.
*Children with needs are diverse learners with extensive needs in the areas of cognition and/or learning, communication, physical and social/emotional development. The child may also have concurrent health, sensory, and / or physical differences.
Who can make a referral?
Requests can be made by:
- Parents/carers or guardian
- Paediatrician
- Health Visitor
- Speech, Physiotherapy or Occupational therapy
- Social care
- Specialist services such as Visual Impairment, Hearing Impairment and Early Skills group
- Family Hubs
- Talking Together
2 Year Integrated Progress Check (IPC)
About the 2 Year Integrated Progress Check (IPC)
The early years foundation stage (EYFS) Progress Check at age 2 and the Healthy Child Programme review offer 2 opportunities to:
- identify additional needs for children aged 2 to 3
- work in partnership with parents, carers, guardians and any relevant professionals to put the right support in place for the children who need it
Since 2015, the government has encouraged early years providers, local authorities, and health visiting services to work together to combine the Healthy Child Programme review and the EYFS Progress Check at age 2. This is known as an ‘integrated review’.
- Integrated progress check protocol
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- Integrated Progress check Procedure Group providers-1
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- Integrated progress check - all providers - old
- Download (109KB - DOCX)
- Integrated progress check format- childminders - old
- Download (109KB - DOCX)
- Download (153KB - DOCX)
- Meeting proforma for Integrated Progress Check for Group providers-1
- Download (14KB - DOCX)
IPC Form
- Integrated Progress Check New Form 2022
- Download (320KB - DOCX)
Process and Consent Forms
- Integrated check - process and consent for childminders
- Download (95KB - DOCX)
- Integrated Progress check Procedure Group providers
- Download (135KB - DOCX)
- Integrated check - process and consent for schools
- Download (95KB - DOCX)
- Integrated check - process and consent for Family hubs
- Download (133KB - DOCX)
- Integrated progress check consent form for parents and SPOC
- Download (65KB - DOCX)
Parents Guide
- Parents guide to the integrated progress check - 2021
- Download (124KB - DOCX)
IPC Video and Guidance
- IPC training video 2022
- Download (21.8MB - PPTX)
- Integrated Progress Checks and The Inclusion Conversation for Group Providers
- Download (37.2MB - PPTX)
Integrated reviews - Help for early years providers
Department for Education early years vodcast: Progress check at age two
Progress check at age two – Non-statutory guidance for the early years foundation stage
Ages and Stage Questionnaires (ASQ) and Summary Sheets
- ASQ-3 - 27 month questionnaire
- Download (438KB - PDF)
- ASQ-3 - 27 month summary sheet
- Download (178KB - PDF)
- ASQSE-2 - 30 month questionnaire
- Download (1.27MB - PDF)
- ASQSE-2 - 30 month summary sheet
- Download (232KB - PDF)
Childminder/Provider IPC Statement for OFSTED
City of Doncaster Integrated Progress Check (IPC)
Are you due for your inspection? Are you clear about the process we use in Doncaster to complete the Integrated Progress Check?
As you are aware, at present, there are two checks of children’s development between the ages of two and three:
- the EYFS progress check at age two
- the health and development two-year-old review
Since 2015, the government has encouraged local authorities, health visiting services and early years providers to work together on an integrated education and health two-year-old review process. This can give a more complete and accurate picture of the child by drawing together:
- parents’ views and concerns about their child’s progress
- the early years practitioner’s detailed knowledge of how the child is learning and developing
- the health professional’s expertise in the health and development of young children
Integrated reviews take a variety of formats, and the DfE does not prescribe a particular process. There is no one-size-fits-all solution, and different areas will need to adapt their own approaches to meet local needs and address local challenges. The separate parties may share information in a co-ordinated review. Or there may be a joint meeting between parents, health and education practitioners, and with the child present, in an integrated review. Whatever their format, they should support health and education professionals to identify:
- strengths
- any developmental delay
- any particular support or service from which they think the child/family might benefit
To be successful, there must be:
- clarity about how each child is reviewed, by whom and the follow-up support that is available
- understanding about how and when the impact of any support is evaluated, so that no children ‘fall through the net’
Integrated Review
- As a childminder, you should complete the progress check when the child is between 2 and 3 years at a time when is appropriate for the child. Typically, if a child has been settled in the setting for a period of time (roughly a term), the check will then be completed. This may be before or after the Health review.
- Typically, our Health colleagues complete the Healthy Child 2 year old checks at 27 months and give parents a copy of the summary sheet including ASQ scores , comments and any follow up. This can be shared by parents directly to you as a childminder. If you do not receive the information from parents, you MUST request it through Doncaster SPOC using the Parental consent form on the Local Offer. This information should be used as part of the Progress check (as detailed by the DfE above) to identify strengths, developmental delay and support or services from which the child may benefit.
- If you as a childminder complete the Progress check BEFORE the Health check, you MUST provide parents with a copy of the Progress check to share with Health. Where there are concerns about a child, you should contact SPOC directly (with parental consent).
- All information about the Doncaster process, consent forms, a Progress Check pro-forma and guidance materials are on the Early Years Inclusion page of the Local Offer.
Training information is sent out termly directly to providers and can also be found on Buy Doncaster.
The Early Years Inclusion Team provide a core offer:
Safeguarding and Welfare
- Basic Awareness in Child Protection and Safeguarding Children
- Refresher in Child Protection and Safeguarding Children
- Introduction to Signs of Safety
- WRAP Awareness Training – PREVENT and British Values for Early Years Providers
- Early Years DSL Network Meeting
Leadership and Management
- Early Years Essential Knowledge Briefing
- Managers Network Meeting for Early Years Providers
Teaching and Learning
- Childminding Pre-registration Course
- Refresher in the EYFS for settings
- New to EYFS for schools
- Integrated Progress Check for settings, childminders & schools
- Portage Workshop
- Wee and Poo Training – supporting children to have healthy bladders and bowels
- Promoting Equity and Diversity in the Early Years
- Talking Together - Speech Language and Communication Training Universal & Enhanced Level
- Self-Regulation, Co-Regulation and Trauma Informed Approaches
- EYFS - Reception/ FS2 Teachers Network
- Reflection Toolkit - Neurodiversity Affirming Approach to Assessment for Children with SEND
- Role of SENCO
- SENCO Cluster
- An Introduction to Strategies to Support Children with SEND
- Bespoke Makaton
- Bespoke Role of SENCO Training for childminders
Disability Access Funding (DAF)
Information for Disability Access Funding (DAF)
The Early Years Developmental Journal
The Early Years Development Journal is designed for families, practitioners and others to use as a way of recording, celebrating and supporting children’s progress.
This Journal is particularly useful if you know or suspect that a child who you are helping is unlikely to progress in the same way or at the same rate as other children - whether or not a particular factor or learning difficulty has been identified and given a name. It is also for people who would like to find out more about children's development in the early years.
- Early Years Developmental Journal
- Download (1.97MB - PDF)
- Generic Early Support Developmental Journal - Practitioners copy
- Download (548KB - DOC)
The Early Years SEND Toolkit
- early-years-toolkit-merged
- Download (5.99MB - PDF)
ERIC- The Children's Bowel and Bladder Charity
Potty training children with additional needs can be done in much the same way as teaching a child without additional needs. Look at tips for potty training or the guides below for more information. Visit the ERIC website for more information.
- ERIC's Guide to Potty Training
- Download (3.76MB - PDF)
- ERIC's Guide for Children with Additional Needs (Potty training)
- Download (3.15MB - PDF)
The Early Years SEND Partnership
Reflection Toolkit
A resource which encourages practitioners to consider areas where provision may need adjustment, in order to support children with learning differences. The Toolkit aims to ensure all children have the best possible chance of making progress and to provide a holistic picture of a child’s learning.
- Reflection Toolkit
- Download (504KB - PDF)
Interactive Child Development Questionnaires
Dingley's Promise
Early Years in Mind
Anna Freud Early Years In Mind Register
Social Emotional and Mental Health Resources
Resources - UK Trauma Council
Beacon House
Anna Freud under-fives wellbeing
Supporting children in early years settings who may have experienced trauma or abuse webinar Anna Freud
National Children's Bureau Trauma informed practice
Mental Health and Wellbeing
Mental health for early years children
Early years practitioner wellbeing support
Promoting young children’s self-regulation skills through play
Early years staff wellbeing: a resource for managers and teams
Emotional Regulation
Resources | The Zones of Regulation
Adapting The Zones for Early Childhood
The Zones of Regulation Recommended Books
Early years emotions
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Further Support and Information
- Childcare and Schools Finder
- Childcare for Children with SEND
- Family Hubs
- 15 Hours Childcare for Eligible 2 Year Olds
- 15 Hours Childcare for ALL 3 & 4 Year Olds
- 15 or 30 hours funded childcare and Tax-Free Childcare for working parents
- Help With Childcare Costs
- Kerry Murphy | Famly Early Years blog author
- Family Hub offer information for professionals
- Download (739KB - PDF)
Questionnaire/Evaluation of EYIT Support for Providers
The Early Years Inclusion Team have created a questionnaire for providers. Please take a moment to complete the questionnaire on the link below.
Introduction Image
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