This page provides information on the legislation and policies which set out the legal obligations and expectations on settings for providing effective education and support for Children and Young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.


The Children and Families Act (2014)

The Children and Families Act (‘CAFA’) 2014 is statute law and legally binding. This means that the local authority and schools must comply with it or else they are acting unlawfully. Part 3 of the CAFA 2014 contains the relevant sections about children and young people with SEND.

Under Section 23 of the Children and Families Act 2014  health professional and health services have a legal duty to notify the City of Doncaster Council of any child in Doncaster under the age of 5, who they consider may need some extra arrangements made for them when they start school and has, or is likely to have, special educational needs or a disability (SEND).

Section 23 notifications to be completed by health professionals only. 


The Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulation (2014) are the main set of regulations underpinning CAFA 2014. They are also legally binding

SEND Code of Conduct (2015)

The law is set out and expanded upon in the SEN and Disability Code of Practice (the ‘Code’). This Code provides much more detail on the legal framework relating to special educational needs and disabilities. Where it states a local authority, school, or college must do something, this is referring to compulsory obligations (set out in the laws and regulations. Where it says a local authority or other entity should do something, this is statutory guidance, not law. If there is any difference in what CAFA and the Code say, the CAFA takes precedence.

The Equality Act (2010)

Children and young people with special educational needs may also be considered disabled. There are some situations where disabled people are subjected to direct or indirect discrimination. For more information see our section on disability discrimination.

The Disability Discrimination Act (1995)

Makes it unlawful to discriminate against anyone because of their disability.

Documents Required for Compliance

To be compliant settings MUST publish the following documents on their website:

Document Frequency to Review
SEND Information Report Annually
SEND Policy Annually

Local Offer Information

(minimum expectation- a link from setting's SEND Information Report to Local Offer)

Accessibility Plan Every 3 Years

Further information can be found on the below websites:

What maintained schools must or should publish online - GOV.UK (

What academies and further education colleges must or should publish online - GOV.UK (

SEND Information Report

SEND Information Report template 2023-2024
Download (25KB - DOCX)

SEND Policy

Draft Model SEN Policy 2023-2024
Download (175KB - DOC)

Local Offer Information

Contribution to the LA SEND Local Offer template from April 2023 (1)
Download (29KB - DOCX)

Accessibility Plan

City of Doncaster Accessibility Strategy for Schools 2023-2025
Download (335KB - PDF)
Model Access Policy and Plan template 2023-2024
Download (150KB - DOC)


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