Universal: Communication and Interaction
Children and young people with speech, language and communication needs (SLCN) have difficulty in communicating with others. This page outlines some ways in which communication and interaction needs may present at the Universal Level of the Graduated Approach. There are also details of some model provision and strategies that may be useful at this level.
On this page, you can find:
Needs Descriptors
Model Provision and Strategies
- Effective listening guidelines
- Cues for active listening
- Consider speech rate
- Key words/vocabulary emphasized e.g. word wall
- Processing time
- Visual prompts e.g. Widgit
- Objects of reference
- Clear, simple instructions
- Delivery of information slowed down with time given to allow processing
- Modelling
- Cue in by name
- Learners are encouraged – and shown – how to seek clarification
- Talking buddies/ partners (e.g. Kagan structure)
➢ Makaton
➢ Sensory Resources
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