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Special Schools and Alternative Provision
Information on specialist settings and alternate provision providers for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND)
On this page, you can find:
Special Schools
Some children have long term, significant and complex needs and will require an Education, Health and Care Plan specifying a specialist placement within one of Doncaster’s special schools.
Independent Special Schools
The Department for Education's (DfE) list of approved independent special schools, non-maintained special schools and post 16 institution providers is known as Section 41.
If a child’s parent or a young person makes a request for a particular nursery, school or post-16 institution in these groups the local authority must comply with that preference and name the school or college in the EHC plan unless:
- it would be unsuitable for the age, ability, aptitude or SEN of the child or young person, or
- the attendance of the child or young person there would be incompatible with the efficient education of others, or the efficient use of resources.
The child’s parent or the young person may also make representations for places in non-maintained early years provision, independent schools, independent specialist colleges or other post-16 providers that are not on the list of Section 41 providers and the Local Authority must consider their request. The Local Authority is not under the same conditional duty to name the provider but must have regard to the general principle that children should be educated in accordance with their parents’ wishes, so long as this is compatible with the provision of efficient instruction and training and does not mean unreasonable public expenditure. The Local Authority should be satisfied that the institution would admit the child or young person before naming it in a plan since these providers are not subject to the duty to admit a child or young person even if named in their plan.
Alternative Provision
Alternative provision is defined as ‘education arranged by local authorities for pupils who, because of exclusion, illness or other reasons, would not otherwise receive suitable education; education arranged by schools for pupils on a fixed period exclusion; and pupils being directed by schools to off-site provision to improve their behaviour’ (DfE 2013).
Lot Number | Description |
Lot 1
| Alternative Provision to promote engagement and/or reengagement to mainstream school – Short Term Reintegration |
Lot 2 | Alternative Provision to support Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Short/Medium/Long Term reintegration and/or reengagement. |
Lot 3
| Key Stage 4 Pupil Referral Unit |
Lot 4
| Independent Special Schools |
Lot 5
| Independent Residential Special Schools |
Lot 6
| Specialist Post 16 Provision To provide Post 16 education for pupils who have Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) |
Lot 7
| One to one tuition To provide one to one educational provision for individual Children and Young People within the home, online or within the community |
Lot 8
| Supported Internships To provide structured, work-based study programmes for 16 to 24-year-olds with SEND, who have an education, health, and care (EHC) plan and targeted at those furthest away from the labour market. |
Maintained Alternative Provisions
Maple Medical
- JASP (Joint Agency Support Provision): For pupils accessing CAMHS support at tier 3. This is situated in Balby.
- The Hospital School: For children who are in hospital. This is situated in the Women and Children’s hospital at Doncaster Royal Infirmary.
- Link Education Centre: For children who are too ill to attend mainstream but are not in hospital. This is situated in Balby.
- Home Tuition: For pupils who are too ill for mainstream or Link and need to be educated at home.
The Levett School
Approved Alternative Provision Providers
Act Fast Ltd
The aim to give every young person the opportunity to reintegrate and to take a range of GCSE exams.
They also have an accredited exam centre which we will extend to meet the needs of learners through OCR, NCFE, IMI, D of E when required.
Big Picture Doncaster
Castles Education
Changing Lives through Changing Minds CIC
Cirque Skills Pathway CIC
Based on Silver Street in Doncaster. Learners attending Cirque will have the opportunity to complete a blended Programme of Study. Learners can gain a variety of qualifications which is decided after an initial assessment and understanding individual learning styles and ambitions, along with discussions with the referral partner to understand specific needs and to compliment other areas of learning.Each learner follows an individual learning plan to create a bespoke education package for their needs to include SEND and personal ambitions. This is a part time provision offering most learners 4 days per week.
Doncaster Culture and Leisure Trust
Dearne Valley Personal Development Centre
Enhancement Training and Developing Futures
EPIC Learning
First Class Tailored Solutions
First Class Tailored Solutions covers a wide geographical area within the East Midlands and South Yorkshire.
- FCTS provides tuition across all Key Stages – Primary to Post-16.
- The bespoke educational packages are flexible in terms of location, hours of input and content.
- Tutors work mainly on a 1:1 basis either in the home, in schools, in libraries or other appropriate venues. Tutoring sessions can also be provided outside of school hours.
- There are opportunities for paired or small group work where required.
Five Rivers Childcare
Field Gate School is a small independent SEMH school for pupils aged 6-18, in Fish Lake, Doncaster.
1ACE Doncaster is an our outreach provision, focuses on offsite enrichment learning and activities.
Future Pathways CIC
The setting aims for reintegration into mainstream. They deliver Maths & English GCSE and Functional Skills alongside a number of interest-led Vocational Courses such as:
• Boxing, Fitness and Sports
• Art, Photography and Fashion
• Music Technology, Media Studies and DJ & Mixing
• Catering, Food Hygiene and Life Skills
• Fully accredited Beauty Qualifications including Nail, Hair, Makeup and Beauty Therapy
Higher Rhythm
Isle Study Centre
Journey Education
KB Education: Phoenix
PLUS Skills Development Ltd
St Wilfrid's Academy
Sugarman Education
Team Adventurous Outdoor
Targeted Provision
The Lighthouse School
The Unity Project
Vega College
- Alternative Provision Booklet - Sep 2024
- Download (1.33MB - PDF)
- Local Offer - Alternative Provision and Pupil Referral Units
- Engagement and Behaviour Team
- SEND Team
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