Graduated Approach: Targeted Level

In addition to inclusive High Quality Teaching and provision at Universal + Level, some children and young people may require additional to and different from support in order to secure effective learning and increase the rate of progress.

Targeted Level: Assess, Plan, Do, Review


- A range of stakeholders (SENDCO, families, teachers, professionals) will be involved in the assessment strengths and needs.
- Consider all previous assessments and progress over time Identify any further gaps in learning through use of assessment.
- Progress meetings between stakeholders should take place termly through cycles of Assess, Plan, Do, Review.


- Long-term additional to and different from provisions are clearly planned for, through Assess, Plan, Do, Review cycles to address specific gaps in learning and recorded on a SEND plan.
- Plan provision using information from a range of stakeholders (families, SENDCO, specialist and outreach teams) with clear, measurable outcomes.
- Ensure aspirations of the family and learner are taken into consideration and are included in the long-term outcomes and throughout the plan.


- Implemented strategies and provision (long term additional to and different from) are recorded in the plan in addition to High Quality Teaching strategies.
- Where appropriate and with the support of other professionals, create a balanced personalised curriculum (bespoke timetable) that addresses needs and supports the learner to make progress.


- Evaluation of plan and provision takes place on a termly basis and other professionals who support the learner are informed or invited as appropriate.
- Decision could include:
  • Reduce support to Universal + Level (Accelerated progress)
  • Further cycle of Assess, Plan, Do, Review at Targeted Level (Some progress)
  • Escalation to Targeted + Level where additional provision may be required (a minimum 2 cycles at this level)

Strengths and Needs Analysis Tools

This guidance is designed to support schools to identify the strengths and needs of learners and suggests a range of targeted and if required specialist provision that may need to be put into place for learners with special educational needs.

Inclusive High Quality Teaching is expected to be in place for all learners every day.

It is important that all tools and guidance made available to schools is utilised prior to considering this guidance; as the SEND Code of Practice (2015) states, ‘additional intervention and support cannot compensate for a lack of good quality teaching’ (paragraph. 6.37).

DRAFT Communication and Interaction Strengths Needs Analysis Tool v3
Download (531KB - PDF)
DRAFT Social Emotional Mental Health Strengths and Needs Analysis Tool v3
Download (371KB - PDF)
DRAFT Visual Impairment Strengths and Needs Analysis Tool v4
Download (389KB - PDF)
DRAFT Hearing Impairment Strengths and Needs Analysis Tool v3
Download (388KB - PDF)
DRAFT Cognition and Learning Strengths and Needs Analysis Tool v3
Download (478KB - PDF)
DRAFT Physical Impairment Strengths and Needs Analysis Tool v.4
Download (487KB - PDF)


Graduated Approach Process in Doncaster Targeted and Targeted Plus 02.05.24
Download (196KB - PDF)
Bespoke Timetable Quick Guide FINAL
Download (167KB - PDF)


The SEND Plan Template, One Page Profile, Parent/Carer Voice documents can be found on the Templates page


The Educational Psychology service also offer training on Learner Voice and resources can be found on their page

Educational Psychology Service



Introduction Image