This page outlines the system in Doncaster for accessing High Needs Funding.

Higher needs Funding for Autumn Term 2024

 The closing date for submissions was Thursday 20th June 2024 at 5:00pm. Any requests submitted after this date will not be considered at panel.  

Any enquiries should be sent to the new email address and if there are any immediate queries please mark your email as urgent with the subject line URGENT HNF Query. 

Following panel, when will I receive the outcome of this? 

Panel outcomes will be processed and communicated following the panel. You will not receive this outcome on the same week as the panel has been held. Funding, where agreed, will be agreed until the end of the Autumn term 24. 

How do I appeal the outcome? 

Following the panel if you do not agree with the outcome, you can email the inbox and a member of staff will respond to your query accordingly. 

Is this the last High needs funding panel? 

The Local Authority is in the process of rolling out a new way of funding high needs pupils through devolving this to local areas. This will ensure that the processes are more responsive to local needs and simpler to access. We recognise in light of the pressures facing all schools in meeting the needs of children and while the new system is still to be rolled out that we were at risk of not meeting our previous commitment to ensure that schools were not disadvantaged. We will therefore continue to offer High Needs Funding in the interim. The processes around decision making used in the last rounds of funding will continue and we have asked for representation from Head Teachers and/or SENDCOs to support that process – thank you to all those who have already volunteered to support. 

How do I know if my case has been added to the panel? 

We will acknowledge receipt of the requests by way of an automated email and will send confirmation emails to the original message(s) once requests have been added to the agenda.  

High Needs Panel - New Request
Download (41KB - DOCX)
High Needs Panel - Continuation Request
Download (41KB - DOCX)

High Needs Funding

High Needs Funding is Doncaster’s system for top-up funding for children and young peoples in mainstream schools in Doncaster. High Needs Funding is primarily designed to enable the delivery of the educational provision in section F in an Education Health and Care plans (EHCP).

  • Shifting the focus of our funding decisions to early identification and support required by some children and young people and improving the quality of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Support is to become the typical experience of local children, young people and their families.
  • Moving the focus away from statutory assessment where it may not be required will enable significant SEND funding decisions to focus on those with highest level of need, receive the highest level of support.
  • To do this, a High Needs Funding system and approach is designed to involve all stakeholders in the decision-making process. As High Needs Funding is for children and young people with significant needs, Doncaster has developed a range of Descriptors of Need which will outline and determine the level of top-up funding as needs are emerging and increasing in significance where Graduated Approach, SEND Support arrangements are designed to meet need in schools and for those with very significant needs in EHCPs.
  • SEND Needs Descriptors will inform SEND funding decisions and resource allocations to schools, from the Autumn term 2024. The ‘High Needs Funding’ system will ensure that funding is allocated to an evidenced and moderated level of need.
  • A set of descriptors of need are used to do this. There are five levels which are aligned to the Doncaster Descriptors of Need and Graduated Approach:

➢ Universal

➢ Universal Plus

➢ Targeted

➢ Targeted Plus

➢ Specialist

  • Each level attracts a different amount of funding. Universal, Universal Plus and Targeted are resourced through the school or setting’s allocated funding; SEND notional budget, where predictability of needs are both expected and resourced according to a local formula for SEND notional allocation via a school’s core budget share.
  • Where references are made within the descriptors to support, this does not assume additional adult support.

Needs Descriptors

Communication and Interaction

Cognition and Learning

Social, Emotional and Mental Health

Physical and Sensory


Proposed funding application:
Summary of Needs and Provision Map DRAFT MASTER Updated 02.07.24b
Download (57KB - XLSX)

Introduction Image