Graduated Approach: Specialist Level

In addition to the High Quality Teaching and provision at a Targeted +, a small number of learners may require significant amounts of additional to and different from provision in order to secure effective learning and increase the rate of progress.

Specialist Level: Assess, Plan, Do, Review


- Continuous consideration of how the child or young person's strengths and needs may change over time.
- Continue to follow the cycle of Assess, Plan, Do, Review against specific outcomes and provisions within the Education Health and Care plan.


- Continue planning provision that is personalised and meaningful for the child or young person to achieve the outcomes which have been agreed with all stakeholders.


- Implemented strategies and provision (long term additional to and different from) are recorded in the plan in addition to High Quality Teaching strategies.
- Where appropriate and with the support of other professionals, create a balanced personalised curriculum that addresses needs and supports the child or young person to make progress.


 - Review of an Education, Health and Care Plan takes place on a yearly basis and other professionals who support the learner are informed or invited as appropriate.    
- Evaluation of child or young person's short term outcomes takes place on a termly basis and other professionals who support the learner are informed or invited as appropriate.
- Decision could include:
  • Reduce support to Targeted + Level (Accelerated progress)
  • Further cycle of ADPR at Specialist Level (Some progress)


Graduated Approach Process in Doncaster Specialist 02.05.24
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