Support for SENDCOs: FAQ's
SENDCOs (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinators) are the teachers working to coordinate the provision for learners with disabilities or special educational needs (SEND) in schools. While working in collaboration with other members of the senior leadership team and the headteacher, SENDCOs will use their leadership skills to support other teachers and manage provision for children with SEND in their setting.
How do I ensure teachers are delivering effective inclusive High Quality teaching?
Adaptive Teaching and Differentiation Quick Guides
Ordinarily Available Provision Guidance
Reasonable Adjustments Checklist
High Quality Teaching Checklist
Model Provision and Strategies
How do I ensure reasonable adjustments are in place?
How do I support staff to identify needs effectively?
Information on the four broad areas of need can be found within the following section: Identifying Need - What are the four broad areas of need?
How do I capture learner voice?
- Learner Voice Quick Guide FINAL-1
- Download (136KB - PDF)
- Gathering pupil voice- Ideal self (002)
- Download (510KB - DOCX)
How do I capture parental voice?
➢ There should be strong channels of communication with families and records should be kept of what is discussed and decided.
➢ Parents and carers should be respected and listened to.
➢ Their unique perspectives on their children and young people's strengths and needs should be valued.
➢ Families should be actively involved in decision making about their child or young person
➢ Families should be involved in setting and reviewing targets for their child or young person.
➢Termly meetings should be held with families for learners on the SEND register
- Family story document
- Download (484KB - DOCX)
How do I complete a review?
- Annual review timeline
- Download (150KB - PDF)
- Review, PCP guidance 2024
- Download (315KB - PDF)
How do I ensure support staff are deployed effectively?
Further Information
Making Best Use of Teaching Assistants
- TA_Recommendations_Summary
- Download (1.29MB - PDF)
- TA_Guidance_Report_MakingBestUseOfTeachingAssistants-Printable_2021-11-02-162019_wsqd
- Download (3.67MB - PDF)
What do I do to support a child or young person who has experienced trauma?
How do I ensure I get the correct funding to support a learner?
How do I ensure an inclusive ethos permeates my school?
The following resources may support with this:
Whole Setting Approach to Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
The Inclusive Classroom: A new approach to differentiation Paperback by Daniel Sobel and Sarah Alston
Working collaboratively with colleagues in your school
The Lone SENDCO: Questions and answers for the busy SENDCO by Gary Aubin
Don't Send Him in Tomorrow: Shining a light on the marginalised, disenfranchised and forgotten children of today's schools by Jarlarth O'Brien
Effective educational intervention database - Evidence 4 Impact
Teaching and Learning Toolkit | EEF
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