Support for SENDCOs: New to SENDCO

Information for SENDCOs new to role.

Access to the EHC Hub

  • New SENDCO’s email address and details will need to be shared with the SEND Team in order to gain access to Doncaster EHC Hub.
  • Information relating to new school’s SENDCO should be communicated to the SEND Team via:
  • Queries and requests relating to the EHC hub can be sent to:

SENDCO Qualification

  • All new- to- role SENDCOs will need to complete the SENDCO National Professional Qualification (NPQ) within three years of taking on their new role.
  • This replaces the NASENCO Award and the NPQ will be the mandatory qualification from September 2024.
  • SENDCOs who already have the NASENCO, or were appointed to the SENCO role before 1st September 2009 do not need to complete the NPQ (although must ensure compliance with the regulations).

 Please note that new SENDCOs can train for this NPQ with one of the following providers:

Providers work with delivery partners, such as teaching school hubs, to provide training.

Local Authority Training

  • The Local Authority delivers ‘New-to-role SENDCO’ training in the Autumn Term each year.
  • This will be training for Doncaster-specific systems and processes and is not the NASENCO or the SENCO NPQ.
  • This training event is bookable on Buy Doncaster in the summer term.


Transition to national professional qualification for special educational needs co-ordinators - GOV.UK (


Introduction Image