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Targeted +: Cognition and Learning
This page outlines some ways cognition and learning needs may present at the Targeted + Level of the Graduated Approach.
On this page, you can find:
Needs Descriptors
Attainment and Progress
There is evidence of increasingly significant difference in meeting age related expectations for multiple areas of cognition and learning.
Key stage 1 and 2
The learner is likely to be working within Pre-Key Stage standards.
Key stage 3 and 4
The learner is likely to be working within Key Stage 1/ 2 standards.
Curriculum Access
The CYP is able to independently participate in some very limited group/classroom/setting activities. Needs support to access many aspects of learning including starting a task and maintaining attention.
The CYP may:
- have difficulties with:
- processing, organising and coordinating spoken or written language.
- sequencing and organising the steps to complete tasks.
- problem solving and developing concepts.
- visual and/or auditory perception.
- motor skills and/or handwriting.
- phonological processing
- verbal short-term memory
- verbal processing speed
- working memory
- have differences in:
➢ independence
➢ play and leisure.
➢ understanding physical and emotional wellbeing.
➢ understanding the world around them.
- require ongoing personalised intervention and reasonable adjustments.
- have limited independent learning strategies.
- have co-occurring conditions.
- have significant difficulties with the pace of the curriculum and require daily adjustments e.g., to the presentation of information, scaffolding of tasks, assistive technology,
- be aware of their difficulties, show signs of frustration and lack confidence and self-esteem.
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