Targeted +: Cognition and Learning

This page outlines some ways cognition and learning needs may present at the Targeted + Level of the Graduated Approach.

On this page, you can find:

Needs Descriptors 

Early Years

Attainment and Progress

4-7 months

  • The child may need encouragement to show interest in new experiences, for example, when you show a new toy or make an interesting sound with a musical instrument.
  • The child may need encouragement/support to repeat actions that have an effect –for example, kicking or batting a mobile to create movement including actions to make a sound again, for example, shaking a rattle.
  • The child may not show anticipation and enjoyment of familiar caring routines and simple games, for example, not sucking or licking lips in response to sounds of preparation for feeding or does not get excited upon seeing a spoon or familiar toy.

 8-20 months

  • The child may need support to get objects that are out of reach for example they may struggle to pull a mat towards them to make a toy or object come closer.
  • The child may require support to engage in simple pretend play with toys, for example, hugs and kisses teddy or pretends to be asleep (covers self with a blanket and closes eyes).

 16-26 months

  • The child may have difficulty organising and categorising objects, for example, putting all red things and all blue things in separate piles.
  • The child may have difficulty in matching shape of pieces to a hole, for example, in a shape sorter.

 22-36 months

  • The child may require support to operate mechanical toys, for example, turning the knob on a wind-up toy, pulling back on a friction car, pushing a button to open a flap.
  • The child may have difficulties completing very simple puzzle games.
  • The child may struggle with organisation such as gathering together the toys they want to play with before starting play. For example, getting the doll and the tea set before starting to play tea-parties or getting the train and tracks and setting them out before playing trains.


 Curriculum Access

  • The child may have difficulties understanding simple instructions.
  • The child may have difficulties remembering regular routines.
  • There is evidence of persistent repetitive play, restricted interests, and difficulties in functional play.
  • There is evidence that the child is not retaining concepts over time.
  • Knowledge and skills may not be applied to different situations and contexts.


Attainment and Progress

  • There is evidence of increasingly significant difference in meeting age related expectations for at least 1 or more areas of cognition and learning.


Curriculum Access

  • There are indicators of processing speed or memory difficulties using school-based checklists.
  • The child may have difficulties with:

 ➢ processing, organising and coordinating spoken or written language

 ➢ sequencing and organising the steps to complete tasks

 ➢ problem solving and developing concepts

 ➢ visual and/or auditory perception

 ➢ motor skills and/or handwriting

  • Literacy and/or numeracy attainment and cognitive processing skills (phonological processing, verbal short-term memory and verbal processing speed, working memory) may cause difficulties that impact on independent curriculum access and require ongoing personalised intervention and reasonable adjustments.
  • The child may have limited independent learning strategies, concentration difficulties, be poorly motivated and resistant to learning.
  • There may be problems with concept development, logical thought and problem solving.
  • The child’s difficulties may exist alongside other identified needs and conditions, for example, speech and language, dyspraxia/DCD, autism, attention, and concentration /ADHD.
  • The child may have difficulties with the pace of the curriculum and require personalisation, daily adjustments to the presentation of information, scaffolding of tasks, assistive technology, to process information and how to organise their time and work.
  • The child may be aware of their difficulties, show signs of frustration and lack confidence and self-esteem.


Attainment and Progress

  • There is evidence of increasingly significant difference in meeting age related expectations for at least 1 or more areas of cognition and learning.
  •  The young person may show evidence of some of the following:

Word reading and spelling Key stages 3 and 4:

 ➢ 50% gaps in at least one of phonics phases 3-5 (reading and/or spelling)
 ➢ 50% errors within first 100 words (reading and/or spelling)
 ➢ Standardised assessments of reading or spelling attainment indicate that child or young person is reading at lower key stage 2 levels

 ➢  Significant difficulties in structuring and writing several sentences

Maths Key Stage 3:

 ➢ Considerable gaps in early maths concepts and calculation strategies (Securing objectives on KS1 or lower KS2 maths curriculum)

 Maths Key Stage 4

 ➢ Significant gaps in maths knowledge (Securing objectives on lower/upper KS2 maths curriculum

 ➢ Co-occurring difficulties with processing speed and/or working memory

 ➢ Progress is very limited with small steps of progress, despite evidence of appropriate and sustained support

 Curriculum Access

  • There are indicators of processing speed or memory difficulties using school-based checklists.
  • The child may have difficulties with:

 ➢ processing, organising and coordinating spoken or written language

 ➢ sequencing and organising the steps to complete tasks

 ➢ problem solving and developing concepts

 ➢ visual and/or auditory perception

 ➢ motor skills and/or handwriting

  • Literacy and/or numeracy attainment and cognitive processing skills (phonological processing, verbal short-term memory and verbal processing speed) may cause difficulties that impact on independent curriculum access and require ongoing personalised intervention and reasonable adjustments.
  • The young person may have limited independent learning strategies, concentration difficulties, be poorly motivated and resistant to learning.
  • There may be problems with concept development, logical thought and problem solving.
  • The young person difficulties may exist alongside other identified needs and conditions, for example, speech and language, dyspraxia/DCD, autism, attention, and concentration /ADHD.
  • The young person may have difficulties with the pace of the curriculum and require personalisation, daily adjustments to the presentation of information, scaffolding of tasks, assistive technology, to process information and how to organise their time and work.
  • The young person may be aware of their difficulties, show signs of frustration and lack confidence and self-esteem. 





Introduction Image