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Targeted: Cognition and Learning
This page outlines some ways cognition and learning needs may present at the Targeted Level of the Graduated Approach. There are also details of some model provision and strategies that may be useful at this level.
On this page, you can find:
Needs Descriptors
Attainments and Progress
There is evidence of significant difference in meeting age related expectations for one or more areas of cognition and learning.
The CYP:
- may experience difficulties with specific aspects of learning e.g., reading, writing, spelling or numbers.
- may have difficulties learning new concepts.
- has significant differences in literacy and/or numeracy attainment despite access to evidence-based intervention through the assess-plan-do-review cycle.
The CYP is likely to be working:
Key stage 1- Within Early Learning Goals
Lower Key stage 2- Within Key Stage 1 curriculum
Upper Key Stage 2- Within Lower Key stage 2 curriculum
Key stage 3- Within Upper Key Stage 2 curriculum
Key stage 4- Within Key Stage 3 curriculum
Curriculum Access
The CYP is able to independently participate in some small group/classroom/setting activities.
The CYP may:
- have difficulty taking in information due to differences in attention and concentration.
- have difficulties understanding and/or remembering instructions.
- have differences in executive functioning skills: e.g., attention, working memory, information processing, organisation, and independence.
Model Strategies and Provision
- One page profile
- Bespoke timetable
- Local Authority and Special School Outreach Support
- Educational Psychology Service involvement
- Alternative accreditation routes e.g. AQA unit awards
- Specific strategies/resources:
➢ Read pens
➢ Dictaphones
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