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Universal +: Cognition and Learning
This page outlines some ways cognition and learning needs may present at the Universal +Level of the Graduated Approach. There are also details of some model provision and strategies that may be useful at this level.
On this page, you can find:
Needs Descriptors
Attainment and Progress
There is evidence of difference in meeting age related expectations for one or more areas of cognition and learning despite Inclusive High-Quality Teaching.
The CYP:
- may be making slower than expected progress in specific areas of learning and development e.g., spelling.
- can demonstrate their understanding with appropriate scaffolding.
- may be slower to use, retain and apply everyday concepts than age equivalent peers,
- requires regular overlearning and consolidation.
- may have difficulties with reading comprehension.
- may have difficulties understanding mathematical language and concepts.
- may have difficulties getting ideas for writing and using appropriate sentence structures.
- may be working up to a year behind age related expectations.
Curriculum Access
The CYP is able to independently participate in most classrooms/settings and routines.
The CYP may:
- be developing coping strategies such as copying work/following peers for prompts.
- experience some difficulties with the pace of curriculum delivery and require pre-teaching and consolidation of learning.
- require use of multi-sensory activities in key skills to reinforce learning and provide meaningful experiences.
- have some difficulties with maintaining attention.
Model Provision and Strategies
- Individual workstation
- Hover support
- Mark writing for content
- Allow additional time to complete tasks
- Consider recording options and demand
- Small group pre-teaching vocabulary or skill
- Small group post-teaching to embed class teaching
- Interventions for specific skills e.g.,
➢ Phonics
➢ Reading/writing/maths
➢ Precision teaching
➢ Alphabet arc
- Specific strategies/resources:
➢ Sound buttons/ talk tins
➢ Colourful semantics
➢ Coloured overlays/paper
➢ Memory games
➢ Speak to text software
➢ Read aloud software
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