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Preparing for Adulthood
Preparing for adulthood is planning for a child or young person’s future once they leave full time education. It relates to future education and employment, independent living skills, community inclusion and health. Formal planning for this begins in Year 9.
On this page, you can find:
What does the SEND Code of Practice Tell us?
- higher education and/or employment – this includes exploring different employment options, such as support for becoming self-employed and help from supported employment agencies
- independent living – this means young people having choice, control and freedom over their lives and the support they have, their accommodation and living arrangements, including supported living
- participating in society, including having friends and supportive relationships, and participating in, and contributing to, the local community
- being as healthy as possible in adult life
Preparing for Adulthood Process
The formal process starts in Year 9 (age 13 – 14) and can carry on until age 25, if necessary. Young people that have an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) must have Preparing for Adulthood Reviews and receive information, advice and support about their options and choices. All young people with an EHCP have an allocated Education, Health and Care Plan Coordinator.
The process will continue through to Year 12 (age 16 - 17). If a young person is identified to have additional needs in relation to a learning disability or autism they will be referred to the Adult Transition Team to prepare them for the transition into adult services. The referral is usually made by children's Education, Health or Care services involved. Find out more about the Adult Transition Team on the link below.
Key Messages
1. Personalise your approach - develop a personalised approach to all aspects of support using person centred practices, personal budgets and building communities.
2. Develop a shared vision of improving life chances with young people, families and all key partners.
3. Improve post-16 options and support - develop post-16 options and support that lead to employment, independent living, good health, friends, relationships and community inclusion.
4. Raise aspirations - raise aspirations for a fulfilling adult life, by sharing clear information about what has already worked for others.
5. Plan services together- involve the young person in the planning process
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Person Centred Planning
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NDTi- National Development Team for Inclusion
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