Site Map
- General Enquiry Form - Private Rented Accommodation
- Abandoned vehicles
- Additional black bin
- Additional blue bin
- Allegations against adults working with children referral form (LADO)
- Alley gate - damaged
- Alley gate key request
- Alternative Dispute Resolution application form
- Antisocial behaviour (already happened)
- Antisocial behaviour (in progress)
- Apply for a Carer or Care Worker discount
- Apply for a Council Tax Single Occupier Discount
- Apply for a full time student discount
- Apply for a house
- Apply for a member of a religious community reduction
- Apply for a person in detention discount
- Apply for a reduction for an annexe
- Apply for a severely mentally impaired discount
- Apply for a youth training trainee discount
- Apply for an apprentice discount
- Apply for an exemption because occupation is prohibited by law
- Apply for an exemption on a property kept for a Minister of religion
- Apply for an exemption on a property left empty by a student
- Apply for an exemption on an unoccupied property owned by a charity
- Apply for an household under 18 exemption
- Apply for disabled relief
- Apply for empty caravan pitch and boat mooring exemption
- Apply for Housing Benefit and Local Council Tax Reduction
- Apply to be a taxi driver
- Benefit Fraud Allegation
- Benefits - Change in Circumstances
- Benefits - Childcare charges form
- Benefits - Disputes form
- Benefits - Payment of Housing Benefits direct to tenant (bank details form)
- Benefits - Payment of Local Housing Allowance direct to your landlord
- Benefits - Proof of earnings form
- Benefits - Proof of rent form
- Benefits - Request to act as Appointee
- Benefits - Self employed earnings form
- Benefits - Send us evidence for your Housing Benefit or Council Tax Support claim
- Benefits - Sharing information with your landlord form
- Benefits - Student information form
- Benefits - Submit an income and expenditure questionnaire
- Blocked gullies
- Blue Badge - misuse report form
- Bollards - faulty
- Book a practical taxi driving test
- Book a taxi driver knowledge test and Safeguarding Session
- Book a taxi meter seal
- Building Regulation Application
- Bulky collection - disposable items
- Bulky collection - fridge/freezers
- Bulky collection - reusable items
- Cancel bulky items collection
- Care Leavers (under the age of 25 years) application form
- Certificate requests
- Change method of payment of Business Rates
- Child Employment Permit
- Children missing education report
- Childrens complaint
- Civic Mayor - request for attendance
- Commercial waste form for new and existing customers
- Community trigger
- Complaint
- Compliments
- Contact Adult Social Care Form
- Contact the Mayor
- Council job vacancies
- Council Tax - Change method of payment
- Council Tax - Dispute a completion notice
- Council Tax - Make an appeal
- Council Tax - Submit an income and expenditure questionnaire
- Council Tax - Tell us about someone aged over 18 is moving in with you
- Council Tax - Tell us about someone in your property who is turning 18 or leaving education
- Councillor enquiry
- Customer Services - request form
- Dead animals
- Disabled Person's Bus and Train Pass Application
- Discretionary Housing Payments application form
- Dog fouling
- Dogs - found
- Dogs - stray
- Domestic Abuse Hub Self-Referral Form
- Doncaster Armed Forces Friendly Business Registration
- Doncaster Family Hub Membership Form
- Dropped kerb
- Dumped rubbish / fly-tipping
- Early Years Inclusion Team Support Request Form
- Employer contact form - Respond to a Council Tax Attachment of Earnings letter
- Energy Efficiency Grants and Funding
- Financial Assessment for Care and Support
- Flooding
- Food business registration form
- Food safety - consumer complaints
- Free school meals application
- Funded childcare for eligible 2 year olds
- Governor - expression of interest
- Graffiti and Fly-posting
- Grass maintenance
- Grit bin refill
- Harassment and illegal eviction form
- Hate crime (already happened)
- Hate crime (in progress)
- Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGV's) - excessive number
- Hedge cutting
- Hexthorpe Selective Licensing of other residential accommodation - Licence application
- HMO & Selective Licence - Cancel/Revoke/Surrender Application
- HMO licence (New) - Application to license a house in multiple occupation
- HMO licence (Renewal) - Application to renew a licence for a house in multiple occupation
- HMO/Selective Licence Variation - Application to vary an existing licence
- Home Alarm Service (Pendant Alarm) Application
- Home Improvement Agency enquiry form
- Household Support Fund application form
- Household Waste Recycling Centre Pass
- Household Waste Recycling Centre pedestrian access
- Illegal and dangerous skips, scaffolding and hoarding
- Illegal street trading report form
- Inconsiderate parking and other obstructions
- Interpretation and Translation Service Enquiries
- Interpreter booking form
- Licences
- Licensing - Taxi vehicle retest
- Licensing a New Private Hire or Hackney Carriage vehicle (including renewals and interim tests)
- Litter bin or dog fouling bin problems
- Litter from vehicle incident
- Littering
- Local Assistance Scheme application form
- Manhole or drain covers - damaged
- Missed bin collection
- Missed bulky collection
- Missing Business Rates payment
- Missing Council Tax payment
- Motor Trade Business Partnership Scheme feedback
- Museum mailing list
- Music Service enquiry form
- Music Theory Class Application
- Needles
- New or additional box request
- Notify us of your Education, Employment or Training (EET) Status
- Nuisance reports (including noise)
- Nursery Application Form
- Organise and stage an event in Doncaster
- Parking dispensation request form
- Pavement defects
- Penalty charge notice appeal form
- Planning - Permitted Development Request - Commercial
- Planning - Permitted Development Request - Householder
- Planning - Pre Application
- Planning Committee - request to speak
- Planning Enforcement Complaint
- Planning permission
- Playground equipment
- Potholes
- Primary School Application Form
- Private Rented Accommodation Repair Problems Form
- Register a birth
- Register a death
- Registering your interest to Foster for Doncaster
- Renew library loans
- Renewing a taxi drivers licence
- Report a stray horse or pony
- Report the death of a taxpayer to the Council Tax team
- Request backdated Housing Benefit and Council Tax Support
- Request pest control services for your business
- Request pest control services for your home
- Right of way problem
- Road congestion
- Road markings
- Road Safety Education Unit - request form
- Rural England Prosperity Fund
- Safeguarding concern - adult abuse report form
- Safeguarding concern - Child at Risk
- Sandbag Collection
- School meals feedback form
- School Transfer
- Secondary School Application Form
- Section 19 Standard Permit: Not for profit passenger transport application
- Selective Licensing - Landlord Compliance Survey
- SENDIAS Request for Support
- Single Occupier Review - Tell us about anything else that has changed in your household
- Site visit request form
- Spillages on the road
- Street cleaning request
- Street furniture (rails and seats)
- Street lighting fault
- Street sign issues
- Structural issues
- Submit a Council Tax or Business Rates general enquiry form
- Together Information Exchange (TIE) Application form
- Traffic calming
- Traffic lights and pedestrian crossing faults
- Tree issues
- Trip hazards
- Website feedback form
- Winter gritting
- Zoom Zero Travel Pass
- Airport gets financial boost to progress re-opening
- Community groups offered chance to put on activities as part of Doncaster festival
- International Airport Operator ready and waiting in the wings, Mayor confirms
- Mayor unveils revamped Corn Exchange building following £5m regeneration
- New investment to make Doncaster a Safer City
- New SEND Parent's Handbook Launched
- Second Doncaster Council children’s home to be rated as outstanding by Ofsted
- Some of our website services are currently unavailable
- South Yorkshire wants your views on the future of our local nature
- Trees planted to commemorate Holocaust Memorial Day
- Adult Social Care
- Animal welfare, pests & pollution
- Bins, recycling & waste
- Births, marriages, deaths & nationality
- Business & licensing
- Children, young people & families
- Council & democracy
- Council Tax & benefits
- Crime, anti-social behaviour & nuisance
- Culture, leisure & tourism
- Emergencies
- Environment
- Get in touch
- Health & wellbeing (incl. public health)
- Housing
- Libraries
- Planning
- Transport, streets & parking
- Work, jobs & training